Kid’s Class is ON at 4:30pm TODAY
Nutrition Performance Benchmarks
1 Rep Max
1000 Meter Row
50 Thrusters (45)
30 Pull Ups
Post Weight and Time to Comments.
If you did “Jackie” two weeks ago and the Clean on Saturday, you will be doing…
“Dark Horse”
7 Rounds:
7 Deadlifts (225/155)
7 L-Pull Ups
DL– 295#; Jackie– 9:11 Rx not my best work
3 pts today
A –
“Dark Horse” modified: 7 RFT of 7 Sandbag DL, 7 KBS
B –
Tabata Squat Botton Hold
Had to go with the time I had, squeezing a WOD in with the little one sleeping.
Zone question: what is a good breakdown of blocks throughout the day? Yesterday and today both I had a 2-block breakfast and a 4-block lunch. It’s an hour after lunch now and I want to chew off my arm again.
Should I shoot for 3-4-1-4 instead of 2-4-1-4-1 like I did yesterday? I’m thinking that smoothing portions out throughout the day might leave me less hungry in between.
(FYI, a 2-block breakfast is only a half-block lower in carbs than my pre-challenge breakfast.)
Also, can I have a breakfast that’s 2 blocks protein/fat and 3 blocks carbs if I remove a carb block from someplace else later in the day?
I think it could definitely help to switch it up and try the 3-4-1-4 since your body probably needs more nutrients in the AM when you are coming off a night of sleep — also if you are having a 4 block dinner then you really shouldn’t need that 1 block at the end of the day. Make sure you are also drinking plenty of water throughout the day — another lil trick I find helpful
I have found that if I give my body the nutrients it needs in the morning then I feel more balanced all day. But every body is different so I say try it and see if it helps, if it does, great! and if not then try something else!
Try the 3-4-1-4… Maybe having more at breakfast with help you stay satiated.
To answer your second question… You want equal blocks of all three macronutrients at each meal or snack. The protein and fat reduce the insulin response from the carbohydrate which keeps us energized and prevents blood sugar spikes and crashes.
Thanks Mel and Kate!
1 rm Clean 215, Jackie 7:55 rx
Congrats on the clean PR Jim!
thx, Mel.,and 3 points for today.
morning wod:
Strength: 5rm pushjerk: 200#
teams of two:
40 wall ball (20#)
30 box jump (24″)
20 ttb
18:00 Rx
Nutrition Challenge: I only get 1 point for today. I started so strong, but i met a client for lunch at a thai place, and he had never had bubble tea before. I had to order one so he would try it. I thought since it was a vegan place and they are coconut milk based I would be safe ordering coconut flavor…. nope. I basically drank the equivalent of a pint of coconut ice cream. … oh well… at least it tasted amazing.
Clean – 125#
At this point, feel I should be higher, not working in/outside WODs hard enough.
Feeling weak these days. Found I have had low Potasium – perfect time for nutrition challenge
Jackie: 10:46. Def plan to practive these regularly to kill it next time :p (oop – now it is in print – so it has to happen)
3 points
and down a few pounds too
whoo hoo!
1RM Clean – 75# ; Jackie – 12:20 (15# Thrusters, 30 JPU) – 3 Points for today
I get 1 point today. I was doing good until around 3pm. Did a Crossfit mom WOD – 21-15-9 65# GM, K2E and OHS – 12:30
1 RM Clean: 165# Jackie: 9:51 rx. Great working out with the 12:30 class.
Goal for benchmarks at end of challenge: 175# Clean and a sub 9 Jackie. It is out there so now to go get it.
3 points today.
Benchmarks –
1RM Clean – 215#
“Jackie” – 6:55 Rx
“Dark Horse” (w/ 135# Jerks instead of DL)
10:47 (I think)…L Pull-Ups were hard.
Should be another 3 point day today, unless I crack and have a beer. I looked like a goof at a sales lunch today picking apart my Cobb Salad to ensure I had the right amount of Lettuce, Avocado, Eggs & sweet potato.
Well. Make it a 2 point day. I cracked.
I admire your honesty!
Jackie – 12:56 Rx (my first Rx !!!!!) A huge thanks to Mel for keeping me going for the last 15 PUps.
1 Rep Max Clean 160#
1 Rep Max Deadlift 305#
3 points for Nutrition challenge for me today!
185# clean and 7:47 Jackie.. Awesome work by both the 5:30 and 6:30 tonight.. Hell yeah!!
3 pts today too
I can’t believe you beat my leaderboard Jackie time. How is that humanly possible?
Oo Sara .. I <3 you!
Boom. #thedaybreakeffect
165# 1 RM deadlift. Jackie 10:31 – 35#bar, jumping pull-up – 3 points!
180# deadlift, 12:19 Jackie, jpu
3 points
FYI .. There was a phone left at the gym tonight.. See Mel to claim it!
345# dead lift, Confident I could of done more but ran out of time.
“Jackie” 11:47 Rx
Also, three points today…
95# clean
Jackie: 9:15 15# bar, 30 thrusters, 15 jpu
3 points
335# DL (PR!)
Jackie: 9:33 Rx (6 seconds faster than in November. 6 seconds?)
Points: 3
Dude… Double PR! Heck of a job tonight.
150# clean, 13:16 Jackie rx, 3 points. Lots to work on during this challenge. Shoulder strength and mobility is first on that list, mental strength is second.
You hung in there today and got it done which is the first step.. Nice job Megan!
3 Points today…#105 Max Clean, 11:57 Jackie (#35 Thrusters, Jump Up Pull Ups)
190# clean PR… So close on 195 gotta work on that form.
Jackie 10:52… Thrusters killed me today and all singles on pu’s
3 pts today
And a huge congrats and welcome to Kate, pumped to have you on board!
3 points today
Home WOD of 25 push-ups, 25 burpees, 50 sit-ups and 50 air squats. I feel like I should have done more but am a bit burnt out from yesterday.
3 Points today
Jackie: 7:00 (1000 meters, 30 thrusters, 15 pull ups with box
3 points today
Home Workout (20 minutes on dreadmill and 10 on the stairmill)
3 points.
Deadlift 1RM: 215# (PR! Get THIS on the leaderboard!)
Dark Horse: 11:17 at 125# and 2 strict pull-ups per round
Benchmarks (set recently)…
Jackie: 16:37 RX.
Clean 1RM: 105#
Nice PR, lady!
Congrats to Kate for joining Daybreak. Amazing job putting up with the sophomoric threesome of Justin, Xtina and me tonight. Cory, you handled it with grace as well.
Jackie – 13:17 – first Rx evah!
135 clean.
3 points today. 200 grams of roasted brussel sprouts should be added to waterboarding and having to watch me workout as torture.
Awesome work tonight Jeff.. Way to keep at it and get the job done.. Awesome to watch!
Lucky I wasn’t there… She might NOT have taken the gig!
3 points
1rm deadlift- 195
Jackie – 10:14
1) 1RM Deadlift: 405# (ties PR) went up easy but as soon as I added weight… no dice. Failed 425 and 415. Ergh.
2) Dark Horse: 10:30 not-so-rx-ish my legs dropped for a handful of L pull-ups.
3) 100 games style box jumps (20″): 3:15 — working on some of my weaknesses for competition season.
4) 3 point day! By the way, decaf coffee after dinner is helping to take away some of my sweets/carb cravings. Just sayin.
5) Congrats to Jay S and Jeff C for their first RXs!!! Some hard work today at DCF!
6) Welcome back Artie! Good to see you my man.
One rep Clean 135 lb scaled worked on form..
Jackie 8:42 scaled feeling great after these workouts glad to be back…. Hate going slow…
3 points for the day
Great to workout with you tonight buddy… Glad you are back and feeling better!
3 points
54cl j 8:45, 30/15 with box
3 points! Home work out (50 crunches two sets and 45min on stepclimber)
Nice Nicole!
D.H. 731 RX.
Jackie: 9:27 (15 PU 10 KPU and 5 SPU)
Dead Lift: 305# PR
I’m late to post – but 10:18 (JPU), clean 85 and 2 points
Jackie: 14:27
Clean: 140
Points 2
[…] Scores HERE Or “Jackie” scores HERE and Clean scores […]