WOD: Fri 09.20.2019 “Battle Symphony”

2019-09-20T10:34:20-04:00Tags: , , , |
  • Tacy



  • WHEN: TOMORROW Saturday, September 21st
  • TIME: ARRIVE: 2:30p // WOD 3-5p // FOOD/LIBATIONS 5-7p
  • WHERE: Our ACTON Location (53 Knox Trail) since last year was in Wayland
  • BRING: A food item, beverage of choice and a chair to sit in to cheer on your fellow competitors.Sign up is CLOSED.

SATURDAY: Only 1 class at 8am!! If you’re doing the throwdown, we strongly suggest you do NOT take class that morning. 😉


We are back to a colored-theme. You can get the bonus point for week 4 if you eat at least 50 grams of something purple-colored. This new bonus point starts on Monday and runs through next Sunday. Don’t go by Google, just look at it. If it is purple – it counts! For example, Japanese yams, purple carrots, purple cauliflower, eggplant, black beans, red cabbage, red grapes, blackberries…. Names can be deceiving, just go based on what it looks like. Beets are red and blueberries are blue. Remember, you must hit 800g to be eligible for the bonus point. 


“Battle Symphony”
In Teams of 2:
2K Row (switch every 500m)
150 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
100 Toes to Bar
50 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)

WOD Guidance & Goal:
Small fast sets for the box jumps and toes to bar. As soon as you start to slow down switch with your partner. Kettlebell swings try to go for bigger sets (10 reps or more)

Post Time to Comments. Compare scores HERE.


5 Miles for Time

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  1. Brett
    Brett Fri 09.20.2019 at 6:41am

    Brett and Marina 22:24 Rx/Vups — thanks for the push Marina!

  2. Kathy C
    Kathy C Fri 09.20.2019 at 7:00am

    Kevin/ Kathy 26:19, (stepups/KUs, sit-ups/ 26#/plate G2OH(back)

  3. Pete
    Pete Fri 09.20.2019 at 8:39am

    Pete/Jon 23:14 or 24:16 or something like that

  4. marybass
    marybass Fri 09.20.2019 at 8:46am

    W/ Deliana! Great workout.
    Good luck tomorrow everyone, wish I could be there!

  5. Neel
    Neel Fri 09.20.2019 at 9:09am

    Neel & Angus 22:14 Rx

  6. Jamie
    Jamie Fri 09.20.2019 at 9:11am

    w/ Candice 21:45 Rx

  7. Erin
    Erin Fri 09.20.2019 at 9:43am

    Jodi/Erin 23:49 leg raises bar/Rx

  8. Ben
    Ben Fri 09.20.2019 at 9:51am

    Ben (KUs/53#) / Andrew (20″/KUs/35#) / Sam (Rx) 19:54. Sam crushed the TTBs.

  9. Dusty
    Dusty Fri 09.20.2019 at 10:10am

    Guapo/Dusty 20:53, Gaupo did strict T2b, that’s crazy

    • El Guapo
      El Guapo Fri 09.20.2019 at 11:34am

      I think I accounted for 19 minutes of that time total. He is non-stop speed.
      Dusty is from another planet #bloodtestthedustman

  10. nfitz
    nfitz Fri 09.20.2019 at 10:35am

    Nissa/Maria 22:21 step overs and knee ups
    It was like the good ole days ❤️

  11. mdu3737
    mdu3737 Fri 09.20.2019 at 12:01pm

    20:27 Melissa / Zev / Todd Rx/steps

  12. Moon (SG)
    Moon (SG) Fri 09.20.2019 at 12:11pm

    Moon / Britt = 20:01 44# / step-ups, knees up, 35# to eye height

  13. estrehle
    estrehle Fri 09.20.2019 at 12:14pm

    Willis/Emily 25:29 rx
    Willis rocked it. Emily did not.

  14. Jim B
    Jim B Fri 09.20.2019 at 12:16pm

    with Mike A

  15. Bill
    Bill Fri 09.20.2019 at 1:32pm

    Rap / Bill – 19:18 Rx

    • Rap
      Rap Fri 09.20.2019 at 2:54pm

      …all the booze sweats. Nice job pulling me through.

  16. lourdes
    lourdes Fri 09.20.2019 at 4:12pm

    W/Janice 23:46

  17. Nicole
    Nicole Fri 09.20.2019 at 6:53pm

    Katie & Nicole – 25:25
    53# to eye height

    • Katie
      Katie Sat 09.21.2019 at 9:37am

      You crushhhhed the TTB!

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