SAT WOD Recording: Fat Amy


“Know Your Worth”
2 Pistols
4 Diamond Push Ups
6 Squats
8 Alternating V-Ups
10 Double Unders

WOD Guidance & Goals:
Pistols (1 per side) are 1-legged squats. Scaling options include;  1-leg squat to a chair or box, or 1 lunge step per side. For the diamond push up bring index fingers and thumbs together in the shape of a diamond and place them just under the sternum. As a substitute do them from your knees or do regular push ups. The scaling option for the alternating v-ups (8 per side)  is bicycle sit ups (8 per side). And, scaling options for double unders include; 10 timers, 15 singles, 3 attempts or 10 jumping jacks. Target 12 rounds. 


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