FRI WOD Recording: Make Your Move


800 Meter Run
16 Dumbbell Clusters
600 Meter Run
12 Dumbbell Clusters
400 Meter Run
8 Dumbbell Clusters
200 Meter Run
4 Dumbbell Clusters

WOD Guidance & Goals:
Run at your 5k pace, steady but not all out! If you’re not running you can row or do 16/12/8/4 flights of stairs. Clusters are dumbbell squat clean thrusters (suggested weight 50/35), which you will do by alternating arms for a total of 16 reps (8 per side), 12 (6 per side), etc. Both heads of the dumbbell must touch the ground at the start of each rep and you must pass through a squat before going overhead. Target 15 minutes. 


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Burgener Strength

Clean deadlift: Work up to a 10 RM. Then 10 reps @ 95% 10RM, 10 reps @ 90% 10RM.