• THU WOD Recording: Here
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“Time Bomb”
Back Squats
Floor Press
*30 Double Unders after every round

Cash Out
3 Rounds
20 Flutter Kickers
20 Knee Raises
10 1-Leg Bicycles
20 Bicycles
20 Crunches

Post Time to Comments.


WOD Guidance & Goals:
With your barbell (or db) place the bar on your back and complete 1 back squat. Lay down on the ground with your barbell over your chest and press for 1 rep. Once you complete your first set of reps do 30 double under (or timers, jumping jacks or 40 single unders). Then move to 2 reps of each movement followed by double unders. Continue this pattern until you’ve done 10 reps of back squats and floor press plus the double unders. Target 12 minutes. 

DB: 50/35
BB: 95/65


2 x 5k, rest 10 min between
10k Hike


1) Back Squat: Work up to a 3 RM. Then 3 reps @ 95% 3 RM, 3 reps @ 90% 3 RM.
2) Split jerk: Work up to a 3 RM. Then 3 reps @ 95% 3 RM, 3 reps @ 90% 3 RM.
3) Bench press: Work up to a 3 RM. Then 3 reps @ 95% 3 RM, 3 reps @ 90% 3 RM.