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42-30-18 Hollow Rocks
21-15-9 Deadlifts (185/135)

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WOD Guidance & Goals:
Do a big set of hollow rocks to start the workout, then chip away at smaller sets. Your midline will be taxed for the deadlifts, take an extra pause to set your back in a neutral position before your first set of deadlifts. Perform deadlifts at a weight that you can do for 10 reps unbroken when you’re fresh. Second round of hollow rocks try to do sets of 10 and for the deadlifts target 6 reps, then 5 then 4. The last round of hollow rocks try to do only two sets, and do the deadlifts in 5 reps then 4 reps. If you’re using DB’s, do 42-30-18 reps for the deadlifts. Target 10 minutes.