- THU WOD Recording: Here
“Atomic Punk”
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Toes to Bar
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Sit Ups
Rest 3 Minutes
1k Row
At the 15 Minute Mark
Unbroken Kettlebell Swings
35 Hollow Rocks
35 Knee Ups
35 Hollow Rocks
35 Sit Ups
Rest 3 Minutes
750 Meter Row
At the 15 Minute Mark
Unbroken Kettlebell Swings
Weights: 53/35
35 Tuck Rocks
35 V-Ups
35 Tuck Rocks
35 Sit Ups
Rest 3 Minutes
750 Meter Row
At the 15 Minute Mark
Unbroken Kettlebell Swings
Weights: 35/26
Try to do the first set of hollow rocks in 30/20 reps or even unbroken! On the rig, do sets of 5-10 toes to bar, knee ups or v-ups. On the second set of hollow rocks, try to do sets of 10. Then throw your arms forward to complete the sit ups. Target 1 round! You’ll get a 3 minute rest then row 1k/750m as fast as possible. Target 4 minutes. You’ll get about a minute rest before starting your unbroken (no pausing) kettlebell swing sets. Take as long as you need between sets to guarantee you can do every set without placing the bell down. Target 10 minutes.
Post Reps + Times to Comments.
50 Leg Lifts
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Sit Ups
At the 15 Minute Mark
Flights of Stairs
Jumping Jacks
5 x 800m, 400m walk
172 TTB/ku, 3:26 750, 7:32 26#
100 / 13:40 / 23:57 – 70# 30 Reps, 53# for all other sets
169 -50 reps w/knee ups
50/20/20/20/20-35# KB 10:32 ??
Arms not cooperating today
136 / 4:15/9:13 MCx, 35# KB
Could not get my T2B smooth….
170 -50/30 KU and T2B/50/40
35# KB 9:44
152 (25 toes to rings)/ 13:29 / then 4×20, 10 70#
Did 25ttb and go through I think 14 sit ups?
7:51? I think? 35#
97 (50 hollow rocks, 47 TTB)
4:11 (1K)
9:14 (25 @ 53, rest @ 35, lol at “unbroken”)
1+26 (knee ups, knee bent hollow rocks)
3:28 750 m
8:20 (45-25-25-20-10 KB swings 26#)
146, 35 reps each
4:07 1k row
35# 30-20-20-15-10 – done at 21:33
I was surprised at how awful my grip and forearms were during those kbs – could.not.hold.on.
150 mcx
3:37 1k row
9:42 KBS 35#
190 MCx/biked 35 cals in 4 min/7:18 MAx
50 hollow rocks, 15 k2e then quit and did feet to bell, hollow rocks, sit-ups
4:30 1K row
20:38 40-30-20-10 UB 26#
wish i had thought of calling my recovery wods MBx earlier
1+54 MV more of a knee bent hollow hold/3:01 750 row/all 150 26# KB swings cause I was apparently sleep walking
Hollow rock
45 Hollow Rocks
30 Knee Ups
45 Hollow Rocks
30 Sit Ups
1000 Meter Row 4:16
30-30-30-20-10 Unbroken 35#🐄🔔 Swings. Probs should have done 44# and taken more time
152 – 3:45 – 29/20/15/12/10 MCx
106 (35 TTB)
31/26/26/20/10- 35#
165 reps (40 TTB)!!!
8:50 All unbroken KBS with scaled weight
112 / 22:43 26#
50-30-20-20-10 @53#
35 knee tucks
35 knee ups
35 knee tucks
35 sit ups
1k row – 4 mins + …
35-25-20-20-15-10. 25# KB
Total time: 21:25