• May 1 – May 28th
    Nutrition Recharge Gameplan (NRG)
    : The sun is out, it’s almost beach season, tanks tops and shorts are in your weekly rotation, and it’s time to do a little recharge of what you’re putting into your body.  Like our last challenge (Jan 2021), you will have the opportunity to earn points for eating veggies (6 cups per day = 6 points), getting 7+ hours of sleep, working out (anywhere), and drinking water (1/2 your bodyweight in ounces). HOWEVER, consuming alcohol, sugar, and processed foods will have an effect on your daily scores. Details and Sign Up HERE.
  • May Movement of the Month: Pull Ups!
    Get ready for the bar muscle up clinic and Memorial Day Murph with extra pull up work! Coach Michele put together a training plan that only requires 2 days/week of extra work. The extra work includes strict pull ups (with or without a band) and accessory work for your shoulders. If you can do 5×5 strict without a band, do chest to bar pull ups. Worksheets can be found/stored at the front desk in the designated envelope.
  • May Clinic: Bar Muscle Ups
    Join us Friday, May 21st at 6pm. If you have kipping pull ups or banded bar muscle ups, this clinic will teach you the techniques needed to advance to the next progression.
  • Memorial Day Murph: Mon 5/31 at 7a, 8:15 + 9:30
    Programming this month will be geared toward building pull up, push up, squat and run volume for the workout Murph. Murph is a 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, followed by another mile run. By the 31st, you’ll feel ready to attack this workout, and not have it interfere with the rest of your week’s workouts.


“Wants and Needs”

Front Rack Lunges
5×5, across

5 Rounds on the 2 Minute
10 Jumping Lunges
12/9 Calorie Bike

Front Rack Lunges
5×5, across

5 Rounds on the 2 Minute
10 Jumping Lunges
11/8 Calorie Bike

Front Rack Lunges
5×5, across

5 Rounds on the 2 Minute
10 Jumping Lunges
10/7 Calorie Bike

For the lunges, complete 5 reps on one side, then 5 reps on the other side (no alternating). Choose a weight that’s challenging but without any fails. For the metcon, perform the jumping lunges (10 total) as fast as possible then SPRINT on the bike. Target completing the work in :60-:75 so you have at least :45-:60 of rest before the next two minute interval.

Post Weight + Intervals to Comments.


Tabata Lunges

5 Rounds on the 2 Minute
10 Jumping Lunges
100 Meter Run

