Schedule Change: Fourth of July Week

    • TODAY Monday 7/3: ONE Class at 8:30a
    • Tuesday 7/4: CLOSED
    • Wednesday 7/5: ONE Class at 8:30a
    • Thursday- Sunday: Regular Schedule

Summer Spirit Fridays

  • Friday 7/7: NEON!!


“Delayed 2 Hours”

10 Rounds on the 2 Minute
10 Toes to Bar
7 Jerks

Weight: 155/105

10 Rounds on the 2 Minute
10 Knee Ups
7 Jerks

Weight: 115/75

10 Rounds on the 2 Minute
10 Toes to Bar
7 V-Ups

Weight: 85/55

These are sprints! For as long as possible, do the toes to bar unbroken or in two sets (less than :30.) Then complete the jerks (any style; split or push) unbroken for at least the first five sets. Reps 5-7 will be challenging but hold on! Complete each interval around :60 leaving ample time to recover. Record your intervals.

Post Intervals to Comments.