Back Squat (4 x 6, across at 70%

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Coaches will help you build to a 7/10 effort (could do 3 more reps,) which you’ll hold across for all four sets of six reps. Take two minutes of rest between sets. Record your weight.)

“Baddies” (5 Rounds for reps)

5 Rounds
15/12 Cal Bike
15 Toes to Bar
Rest 1 Minute

MAx: 12/9 cals, knee or pike ups
MVx: 9/6 cals, v-ups or leg lifts

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Today’s interval workout is meant to be around :90-2:00 at most, with a build in rest of one minute. Try to stay consistent from round to round. Push the bike (or scale the calories) to hop off in about :50. Then, try to do the toes to bar in one giant set, or break them into 10/5, or 6/5/4. Record your intervals.