We’ve been lucky to have John at Daybreak for over 3 years. He was an original 6:30am attendee when we only offered the class twice per week. John’s steady and incremental approach to fitness, along with a great attitude, has allowed for continuous gains in his lifts and gymnastics movements.
Recently, John re-vamped his nutrition and hydration, drinking his bodyweight in ounces, which has led to a PR front and back squat, consecutive toes to bar and did using 1 rep max snatch for multiple reps in a workout.
About John
I live in Framingham with my husband Tyler Pilkington-Sperry…a weekender at Daybreak. We have 3 kitties. Mona (the big calico) and Judi & Maggie (our British Shorthairs that we have had for almost 1 year. They are the cutest!!). I am the Assistant Vice President Marshalls Mens Planning & Allocation at TJX Companies (e.g. ensure the buyers have their money and the […]