We’ve been lucky to have John at Daybreak for over 3 years. He was an original 6:30am attendee when we only offered the class twice per week. John’s steady and incremental approach to fitness, along with a great attitude, has allowed for continuous gains in his lifts and gymnastics movements.

Recently, John re-vamped his nutrition and hydration, drinking his bodyweight in ounces, which has led to a PR front and back squat, consecutive toes to bar and did using 1 rep max snatch for multiple reps in a workout.

About John

I live in Framingham with my husband Tyler Pilkington-Sperry…a weekender at Daybreak. We have 3 kitties. Mona (the big calico) and Judi & Maggie (our British Shorthairs that we have had for almost 1 year. They are the cutest!!). I am the Assistant Vice President Marshalls Mens Planning & Allocation at TJX Companies (e.g. ensure the buyers have their money and the […]

2019-01-04T19:03:47-05:00By |Categories: Box Life|3 Comments


Cheryl is a staple at the 6:30am class. She’s consistent, works hard and has no excuses. In return for her dedication and diligence, Cheryl has seen tremendous improvement on her squat and clean technique. She runs like a gazelle and recently PR’d her 2k row 8:04.

Cheryl is leaving us this summer for a new job/adventure in Seattle. To say her energy, spunkiness and positive example will be missed, is an understatement. We wish you the best, Cheryl!

About Cheryl

Moved back to Maynard (my hometown!) in June 2016. Single mom to my mini-doodle Remi(ngton Steele) – though he bears no resemblance to Pierce Brosnan 😀  I started with Crossfit about 6 years ago at Trident in VA (which is where I heard about Mel and Daybreak when I moved back north) and have always been a 6am block person!
1. What keeps you coming back to […]
2019-01-04T19:03:55-05:00By |Categories: Box Life|3 Comments


Jack competed in the 2018 CrossFit Open, in the 60+ age group, and finished 83rd in the WORLD. Once Jack realized he placed in the top 200, and would be moving on to the age group qualifier workouts, he put in countless hours of work to perfect his lifting technique and work on his weaknesses.

Jack’s hard work paid off. He achieved his first handstand push up and did 6 consecutive in one of the qualifier workouts. He practiced handstand walking and completed 30 feet on the third workout. And, Jack’s old personal best for the snatch was 115 pounds and he completed 3 reps with ease during the qualifier.

Jack went from 83rd place to 49th place by the end of the qualifier! His secret? Hard work, consistency, eating well and attention to his recovery routine.

About Jack

I live in Sudbury with my wife Laurie. […]
2019-01-04T19:04:09-05:00By |Categories: Box Life|10 Comments

DAYBREAKER of the MONTH: Kristin

Kristin attends CrossFit classes two times per week and then Rise-N-Grind on Sundays. The way she attacks her workouts, her consistency attending classes and the results she’s achieving, you’d think she was at the box six days per week.

Recently, Kristin was one of nutrition challenge winners. She completely flipped her nutrition upside down. Kristin went from eating chicken finger, pizza, french fries and wine, to chicken, veggies and a couple glasses of wine on a Saturday night. Not only has Kristin’s speed gone through the roof, but her strength as well!

About Kristin

I’ve been in the Boston area for almost 17 years (jeez that’s long!) and moved out to Maynard about three years ago.  I’m single, no kids but I’d love to get a dog as soon as I get good at taking care of my plants.  My background is in both engineering and business and I currently […]

2019-01-04T19:04:27-05:00By |Categories: Box Life|4 Comments