You might know Ashley as one of the strongest athletes at Daybreak. Or you’ve worked out with Ashley, she tends to float around to whichever class works into her schedule that day. OR you know Ashley from her infamous laugh, which is truly contagious!

Ashley is a one of the best examples of hard work paying off. Ashley does endurance workouts 2-3x/week, practices her push-ups and pull-ups 1-2x/week and does barbell club on Thursday mornings. For the time, consistency and dedication she gives to achieving her fitness goals, she’s certainly reaped the benefits. Ashley can do 7 kipping pull-ups in a row, a 155# snatch, a 185# clean and jerk, 285# back squat and a 305# deadlift.

About Ashley

Grew up in Sherborn, MA. Live in Southie. I work for Health Care Technology, a specialty medical distribution company in Ashland, MA. My parents started the business in […]
2019-01-04T19:04:33-05:00By |Categories: Box Life|3 Comments

DAYBREAKERS of the MONTH: Melissa + Brian G

Both Brian and Melissa came to Daybreak with strengths in endurance and/or bodyweight movements.  As former athletes, they are quick to identify what they need to work on and then proceed to squash their weaknesses with hard work and consistency. Brian and Melissa have built capacity in all areas of fitness and are forces at the 5:30a class!

Brian can do a 120# weighted pull up, 150# weighted dip and run a sub 5 minute mile. What’s more impressive is his commitment to building lower body strength. Brian has done two squat cycles which have no only increased his squats but his overall strength and olympic lifts.

Melissa recently dialed in her nutrition and has seen immediate returns in her bodyweight movements. She can now do 7 consecutive chest to bar pull ups and blue banded bar muscle ups. Melissa has also put in extra work to increase her upper body strength […]

2019-01-04T19:04:35-05:00By |Categories: Box Life|3 Comments

MOBILITY of the MONTH: Front Rack Position


We are excited to introduce a new monthly blog feature that focuses on MOBILITY. Each month we will be posting several specific exercises and instructional videos to help you improve flexibility and range of motion for a particular body part or movement. We’ll also add new exercises and videos mid-month to give you more options! We’ll keep this post pinned to the top of our WOD/NEWS page.


The FRONT RACK is the beginning and end position for many familiar movements: front squat, thruster, clean and any shoulder to overhead. You might hear a coach cue you to “get your elbows up” to improve this position and keep your core engaged and torso more upright. But for some, getting your elbows up and/or resting the bar on the front of your shoulders (i.e. deltoids), is impossible!

Tight, stiff or previously injured muscles, ligaments and tendons in […]

2019-01-04T19:04:45-05:00By |Categories: Box Life, Video|3 Comments

DAYBREAKERS of the MONTH: Lori + Chris G

This year, Lori revamped her nutrition plan and dedicated herself to attending CrossFit three-times per week. Lori has seen dramatic changes in her overall performance with PRs in weightlifting and bodyweight movements. And you can’t help but notice how lean, fit and strong she looks.

Chris G, has been relentless in improving his shoulder mobility and it’s working! Until recently, Chris wasn’t able to hang from a bar or go overhead with a barbell. Consistently taking his time, being patient, strengthening and stretching, and working with lighter weights, are the keys to his success.



About Lori


I live in Maynard and have been married to my husband Howie for 22 years. We have two great girls: Carly (13) & Ella (9). We have 3 cats (Tiger, Lucy and Kiki) and a sweet dog, Luna who we adopted last year.  I work at Sunlife Financial in Wellesley as a Senior Benefit […]

2019-01-04T19:05:02-05:00By |Categories: Box Life|3 Comments

DAYBREAKERS of the MONTH: Katie + Martin

Katie and Martin are Daybreakers of the Month, based on consistency. Consistency in their training and nutrition. Katie took her fitness to a new level when she participated in January’s nutrition challenge. Katie lost 8+ pounds and increased her attendance from 3 days per week to 5-6 days per week. Since January, Katie has kept up with her nutrition and set personal records for the deadlift, front and back squats, clean and jerk AND can connect 5 kipping pull ups!

Like Katie, Martin is consistent with his training and nutrition. Martin has seen tremendous improvement on his Olympic lifts from attending Barbell Club once a week. Plus, he has tracked his workouts for the last year and half and has found his average sustainable heart rate, during workouts, is at least 10 beats higher than it used to be. What does that mean? Martin’s heart got stronger, his muscles can process […]

2019-01-04T19:05:10-05:00By |Categories: Box Life|3 Comments