- INTERNAL COMP+ SOCIAL: This Sat 6/9 from 1-3pm. Sign up at front desk by Wed 6/6. There will be ONE class at 7a.
“Stopping Us”
Box Jumps (24/20)
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
WOD Guidance & Goal: Aim to complete this workout in 15 minutes. Find a steady pace from the start and stick with it.
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5 sets (3 min easy/3min moderate) 1 min rest
17:36, 20’’, 35#
Otherwise known as “rx” ?
13:00 step ups, 30#
14:21 Rx
17:03 30#
14:55 Rx
14:56 w/ 40s
El Guapo
13:53 Rx
15:something-ish – step ups
No WOD today – Barbell Club 1RM
Snatch – 145#
Clean & jerk – 205#
Back squat – 315# – 10#PR
Ski erg (10-8-5-8-10)
25# db / 20# slam balls
16:01 Rx.
15:52 25#
16:13Rx oof.
14:35 35# step ups.
16:22 45#
Correction. 17:22 45#
13:30 Rx
14:19, mods
30# db power cleans in place of snatches, sit to stands in place of burpees
Holy legs….
12:22 Rx
13:38; left arm only
15:53- erg 10/8/5/8/10 cal
Db sn 35#
Burpee, no jump
15:45 rx
17:30 Rx
18:17 last time with #30 and some step ups
Oops 18:14 last time
16:37 — 35# left arm only (rep scheme of 15-10-5-10-15 for db snatches)
step-ups too.
14:53 25#
16:27 30#
BBC. Hit two long time goals tonight. Full snatch higher than power and C&J body weight. ?
Snatch 120# (15# pr)
C&J 160# (10# pr)
BS 215# (5# pr)
So awesome!!
You were looking solid Pete!! Congrats!
Whoa! PR-ville! Nice job Petey!
15:28 Rx this time all jumps and 3 mins slower than two years ago when i did all step ups.
14:05 Rx
15:14 rx
15:14 Rx
17:43- 25#
Barbell- 1RM’s-
Squat snatch- 95# (5# pr)
C&J- 125# (20# pr)
Backsquat- 210# (5# pr)
Yay thanks Jackson!
Nice PRs!!!
15:10 rx (jumps)
17:43 25#/StepUps – pollen is getting me down! Way too much rest but necessary.
5×3 C2B Strict Gr Band
20:58 – 10# (sore shoulder) all jumps (maybe 15 inches?).
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