WOD: Sat 11.29.2014 “Tryptophan” Mel2014-11-28T19:02:53-05:00 2015 Turkey Day Beer Mile “Tryptophan” 3 Rounds: 30 Toes to Bar 15 Clean and Jerks (155/105) Post Time to Comments. Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 21 Comments Sherry Sat 11.29.2014 at 9:45am “Tryptophan” 65# 8 per round T2B Rx Sherry Sat 11.29.2014 at 10:15am 16:14 Scott Sat 11.29.2014 at 9:47am Tryptophan: 10:45 115# Complete modification: V Sit ups in place of toes to bar and cleans with no jerk. Frustrating to modify but my shoulder is better for it. nfitz Sat 11.29.2014 at 10:13am 16 something. 85# last 15 reps of TTB were knee ups. Bill Sat 11.29.2014 at 10:47am 16:36 Rx Jason Sat 11.29.2014 at 10:58am 13:27 rx kate Sat 11.29.2014 at 11:05am 10:32 rx — gotta love classic crossfit 🙂 SusanKD Sat 11.29.2014 at 11:12am 12:39? 55#, 15 knee ups and 15 ab mat sit ups/ rd Rap Sat 11.29.2014 at 11:43am 14:05 or 15:05 rx wtyree Sat 11.29.2014 at 1:10pm I think it was 14… I don’t demember what number I was on when you finished, but I was at the bar for a while after you sat down. lourdes Sat 11.29.2014 at 12:04pm 11:00 30 walking lunges/rnd, 30 knees up with a few very very close toes to bar/round. 800 m run Michele Sat 11.29.2014 at 1:03pm 13:51 RX wtyree Sat 11.29.2014 at 1:09pm Nice! wtyree Sat 11.29.2014 at 1:08pm Tryptophan: 16:14 Rx. Fast singles from the start on C&J. Tried kipping TTB first round but went down to singles as well. lzickl Sat 11.29.2014 at 1:53pm 14:32 85# erica Sat 11.29.2014 at 2:43pm Tyroptophan – 16:28 95# David S Sat 11.29.2014 at 2:46pm 16:21 Rx Eric Sun 11.30.2014 at 7:00am Tryptophan – 17:39 (75#). Had to cut TTB to 20 for 2nd and 3rd rds and 3rd rd was as many knee-ups as TTB. Ugh. Mel Mon 12.01.2014 at 7:38am 3 Rounds: 20 pull ups, 15 C&J (75#): 9:29(?) Jess Mon 12.01.2014 at 3:38pm 12:50 85# I was DRAGGING. WOD: Tue 11.24.2015 “Tryptophan” | Daybreak CrossFit | Wayland & Sudbury Mon 11.23.2015 at 8:09pm […] Compare Scores HERE […] Comments are closed.
“Tryptophan” 65# 8 per round T2B Rx
Tryptophan: 10:45 115# Complete modification: V Sit ups in place of toes to bar and cleans with no jerk. Frustrating to modify but my shoulder is better for it.
16 something. 85# last 15 reps of TTB were knee ups.
16:36 Rx
13:27 rx
10:32 rx — gotta love classic crossfit 🙂
12:39? 55#, 15 knee ups and 15 ab mat sit ups/ rd
14:05 or 15:05 rx
I think it was 14… I don’t demember what number I was on when you finished, but I was at the bar for a while after you sat down.
11:00 30 walking lunges/rnd, 30 knees up with a few very very close toes to bar/round. 800 m run
13:51 RX
Tryptophan: 16:14 Rx. Fast singles from the start on C&J. Tried kipping TTB first round but went down to singles as well.
14:32 85#
Tyroptophan – 16:28 95#
16:21 Rx
Tryptophan – 17:39 (75#). Had to cut TTB to 20 for 2nd and 3rd rds and 3rd rd was as many knee-ups as TTB. Ugh.
3 Rounds: 20 pull ups, 15 C&J (75#): 9:29(?)
12:50 85# I was DRAGGING.
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