Be positive. Don’t make excuses or complain incessantly. Many of us are sore, too. Many of us had a rough day at home or at work, too. Many of us just battled traffic, too. Just commit to giving 100% for that day! If you’re not at the top of your game… it’s okay. Life happens. We get it.
Do NOT push through injuries. Listen to your body. If you tweak something, please stop your workout or see a coach. It is easy for coaches to modify workouts for your needs. Talk to them! They are here to help!
Leave your ego at the door. We’ve said it before, but we’re all in this together. Be humble. Be kind. Compete, but don’t be obnoxious. You’ll be surprised at how many injuries can be avoided when members heed WOD Goals & Guidance and coaches instruction.
Keep locker rooms tidy/clean. Throw-out or take home hangers and towels, keep cubbies clean, pick up your paper towels and throw away empty shower containers and any foreign shower debris. And please let a coach know if any of the toiletries we provide need to be restocked.
Wipe down equipment. We provide ample disinfectant wipes to clean up that blood, sweat and tears. Please use them after every WOD.
Don’t stink. Seriously, you don’t need to shower or primp before you come to see us, but please use an antiperspirant or deodorant. And for goodness sake, don’t cover it up with perfumes, lotions and colognes!
Throw out those old clothes. We sweat a ton at Daybreak. And nobody has invented material that can resist CrossFit stink. If your clothes smell and need to be retired… please pitch them!
If you’re contagious or sick, stay home. We know you’re committed, but please stay home if you’re capable of getting others sick.
Keep gym floor clutter free. Please keep water bottles near a permanent structure if you need a drink by you during the workout. A support pole, the wall, the weight rack are all places you can keep your bottles. Or if it’s easy to access, simply keep them on the sitting area tables or kitchen counter. Just keep an eye on your surroundings if you are walking through the workout area during a WOD to get your water.
Keep lounge and kid’s area clutter free. We ask that you store your personal belongings in the locker rooms. Keys can be hung up on the key rack on the fridge. Jackets/warm-ups can be hung on hooks in locker rooms. Bags and purses can be stowed on the upper shelves in the locker rooms.
Respect your fellow members. Everyone is here to get better. No single member is more important than another. Support each another. Be positive. Be awesome.
Respect your coaches. Listen to their instruction and give them your attention, especially during the skill review portion of the class. And while we all love social fitness, side conversations make it hard for others to hear the coach.
Respect the equipment. Treat it like it is your own. We know we live in a gym and things will break… and if it does, let us know so we can fix it!
Watch your profanity around others. We are certainly not G-rated and we won’t pretend to be. Just keep an eye out for youngsters if you’re in one of those “truck driver” kind of moods.
Respect the kids area. We love when the kiddos come to watch mom or dad gut it out in the gym, but please have them treat the kids area like it’s your living room. Please keep them from climbing on walls, furniture, etc. and please help pick up the area before you leave.
Make every WOD count – for real. Be honest with yourself and others as you hit full range of motion in workouts, as you count your reps, as you add up your weights, as you’re recording your time or score. We don’t care about your score, we care if you cheat. Read more about integrity in CrossFit and why it’s an important thread to our community fabric.
Check in at the front desk. This keeps your account info up to date and allows us to see where we need more classes and/or more coaches.
Leave the drugs at home. There’s no place for recreational or performance enhancing drugs at Daybreak. Period. We’ve never had a problem with this at Daybreak, and we never will.
Introduce yourself. Say hello to new members and folks you don’t recognize. We all know what it’s like to be new. Make others feel welcome.
Stay present after you finish your workout. Cheer others on. Or simply bask in your accomplishment. You just busted your butt… enjoy the reward of finishing! When everyone is done, then clean up.
Write scores on the whiteboard and post them to the website. Let your workout inspire others and vice versa! And you now have a permanent digital journal to measure your progress.
Be cool when you’re late. We know that spouses, partners, kids, work and anything life-related can and will get in the way of your workout. If you arrive late, we ask that instead of disrupting the flow of class, you warm up using one of the self-guided warm-ups posted at the back of the gym. Once warm-ups are over, we’ll reintegrate you into the class for skill review and the workout.
Be aware of your surroundings. While we love the energy of our big classes, we ask that you remain aware of movements going on around you. We always err on the side of safety and strive to provide ample room for everyone, but sometimes it can get crowded near pull up bars, lifting/squat stations and around any barbell moving quickly. We simply ask that you keep your head on a swivel and act as if others can’t see you.
Don’t drop empty barbells. Empty barbells should never be dropped to the floor. The bearings get damaged, the barbell stops spinning, and then we can’t possibly PR our lifts! Please set them down with care.
Don’t drop barbells if there is less than a 25lb bumper on each side. Any bar with only metal plates (2.5# or 5#), 10# rubber plates or 15# rubber plates should never be dropped. The dropping can cause damage to the barbell and the weights. The thinner, rubber plates are also extremely bouncy making them difficult to control, thereby creating a safety issue to you and surrounding members.
Place unused plates inside the rig when lifting on the squat racks. When we have a strength day and are using the squat racks, please put all plates not on the barbell in the center of the rig. This way, if you miss a lift or have to bail, you don’t have to worry about the barbell bouncing unpredictably if it his a plate lying on the floor.
Daybreak has the right to refuse or revoke service to anyone. If a member or prospect is not good for our community, they’re out.
Daybreak has the right to serve you better! If you have suggestions/concerns, please reach out. We want any and all constructive feedback to make us better. We are proud to be voted the best gym in the Metrowest and we can only continue to do so if we’re pursuing our own better alongside you!