WOD: Mon 08.31.2015 “What Do You Mean” Mel2015-08-30T16:26:41-04:00 “What Do You Mean” 4 Rounds: 15 Box Jumps (30/24) 400 Meter Run Post Time to Comments. Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 35 Comments Lisa Mon 08.31.2015 at 6:39am 17:38 (25# plate – all jumps) Pat W Mon 08.31.2015 at 6:43am 10:34 Rx Bill Mon 08.31.2015 at 6:49am 11:47 Rx Pete Mon 08.31.2015 at 6:54am 12:46 rx. First time with 30″ box jumps. Thanks Zev. also may be first time rx. erica Mon 08.31.2015 at 7:44am Nice job! zdn Mon 08.31.2015 at 7:49am solid Kathy C Mon 08.31.2015 at 8:49am Great work Pete! Bill Mon 08.31.2015 at 12:12pm Way to go Pete! Awesome job! Rap Tue 09.01.2015 at 4:30am Yeah Pete! Jason Mon 08.31.2015 at 7:05am 11:26 rx Brett Mon 08.31.2015 at 7:07am 12:14, 20″ Willis Mon 08.31.2015 at 7:20am 11:50 Rx erica Mon 08.31.2015 at 7:44am 11:48rx zdn Mon 08.31.2015 at 7:49am 13:18 Rx. one of those days – just happy to be here. Kathy C Mon 08.31.2015 at 8:50am 15:07, 16″ all jumps Kevin Clarke Mon 08.31.2015 at 8:53am 12:21, row for run, 14″ Eric Mon 08.31.2015 at 10:08am 12:30, 24″ jumps felt pretty easy but I’m too short for 30″ Michele Mon 08.31.2015 at 11:09am 10:28rx Bill Mon 08.31.2015 at 12:12pm Remember when you couldn’t run? Yah..me neither. Holy smokes that’s fast. Awesome work. 🙂 Michele Mon 08.31.2015 at 1:41pm Who knew? KenM Mon 08.31.2015 at 11:14am 11:14 Rx. Great work 8:30! Bill Mon 08.31.2015 at 12:11pm Smoked it. Sara C Mon 08.31.2015 at 12:34pm 15:05 rx (with jumps) Meg Mon 08.31.2015 at 12:49pm 15:05 RX….(yup RX 🙂 Jim B Mon 08.31.2015 at 4:31pm 10:36 rx Maria Mon 08.31.2015 at 4:36pm 12:19 step ups Tyree Mon 08.31.2015 at 4:49pm 12:13 Rx. nfitz Mon 08.31.2015 at 6:49pm 14:39 rx ( jumps) Megan B Mon 08.31.2015 at 6:58pm 16:09 rx (jumps) 1 rm back squat after – 185. Time to start lifting. Nicole Mon 08.31.2015 at 7:07pm 12:22 RX (jumps) Andrew K Mon 08.31.2015 at 7:35pm 10:19 rx lisar Mon 08.31.2015 at 8:07pm 13:49 24″ step ups Liz Price Mon 08.31.2015 at 8:11pm 13:17 – Row for run and 20″ box step ups. keith Mon 08.31.2015 at 8:14pm 12:34 Rx, not bad after three weeks off, I am pleased. Rap Tue 09.01.2015 at 4:30am 12:50 rx Comments are closed.
17:38 (25# plate – all jumps)
10:34 Rx
11:47 Rx
12:46 rx. First time with 30″ box jumps. Thanks Zev. also may be first time rx.
Nice job!
Great work Pete!
Way to go Pete! Awesome job!
Yeah Pete!
11:26 rx
12:14, 20″
11:50 Rx
13:18 Rx. one of those days – just happy to be here.
15:07, 16″ all jumps
12:21, row for run, 14″
12:30, 24″
jumps felt pretty easy but I’m too short for 30″
Remember when you couldn’t run? Yah..me neither. Holy smokes that’s fast. Awesome work. 🙂
Who knew?
11:14 Rx. Great work 8:30!
Smoked it.
15:05 rx (with jumps)
15:05 RX….(yup RX 🙂
10:36 rx
12:19 step ups
12:13 Rx.
14:39 rx ( jumps)
16:09 rx (jumps)
1 rm back squat after – 185. Time to start lifting.
12:22 RX (jumps)
10:19 rx
13:49 24″ step ups
13:17 – Row for run and 20″ box step ups.
12:34 Rx, not bad after three weeks off, I am pleased.
12:50 rx