NEWS/EVENT: #3goalstobetter Challenge & Clinics Announced!



Happy New Year to all our Daybreakers! It’s been a long, fitness-filled year and we’re excited to kick off 2016 with a bang!

Thank you! Happy New Year to you too, Daybreak!

As we look forward to our second full year of pursuing better with you, we invite all of you to participate in our #3goalstobetter Challenge. But this isn’t your normal “resolution” or “goals” challenge. It’s more about having fun in the box, tackling some difficult goals, and leveraging our fantastic community to motivate and hold each other accountable.

This is exactly what I need! I’ve eaten enough cake, candy and junk food to last me a lifetime, now I want to start tracking towards some fitness gains. Tell me, yo, what do I do next?

We’ve started talking to you about this in class, but start forming 3 measurable goals. Over the course of this week and next, your coaches will be asking you to document 3 fitness goals you can achieve inside our blue walls by the end of 2016. We want these to be aggressive goals. Ones that will take you out of your comfort zone, but more importantly, these are goals that will make you “better”… better relative to where you are now.

Oh my garsh, I’m no good at this, can you help me craft some goals?

Sure we can. Chat with your coaches, your peers and just get creative! Get insightful! Have fun with it! Look at last years list below, but be sure you can accomplish it within the box and we can observe or measure it.  Some examples include:

  • Getting my first pull-up
  • Snatching xxx pounds
  • Sub x:xx Fran time
  • Losing xx pounds
  • Gaining xx pounds
  • Eating clean xx% of the time
  • Dropping x pants/dress sizes
  • Attending class at least x times per week
  • Eliminating ALL negative comments before, during and after workouts
  • Making NO excuses for my performances
  • Eliminating added sugars from my diet
  • Going to x specialty classes per week
  • Wodding with my family x times per week
  • Finishing in top x% of my age group in the CrossFit Open (starts in Feb! – we’ll post more about this soon)

Okay, once I have my goals, what ever shall I do with them?

Easy peezy…

#1) POST TO COMMENTS your 2016 goals right down below on this page. For those of you with goals from last year, not only should you post your 2016 goals, but we want you to let us know what you accomplished from your 2015 list and any words of wisdom in terms of what worked and what didn’t. We’ll take these goals and put them on our #3goalstobetter chalkboard in the center of the gym.

#2) SEE MEL so we can snap a quick photo of you to hang by your goals. We want you to be accountable to your goals and what better way than to “own” those goals!

This is so exciting!!! I’m just over the moon about this. I love you Daybreak, but please tell me there’s more. I need just… a little… bit more to help me hit my goals.

Well, because we love our members so much, we are going to run a series of members-only clinics. We will host 1 clinic per month around or on the last Sunday of each month starting in January. The tentative schedule is below. These will be included in all our monthly unlimited memberships and if you have a 3/week membership or legacy attendance packs, it will simply count as 1 visit.

You must reserve your spot at the front desk approximately two weeks before the clinic. We will need at least 10 members signed up to run the clinic and we will charge a $10 no-show fee since we will have limited spots available for each clinic. Otherwise, if you show up… of course, it’s part of your membership!


SUNDAYS @ 10:00A (during Open Gym):
January 31 – Nutrition
February 28 – Double Unders
March 27 – Mobility
May 1 – Beginner Pull-Ups (Gymnastics)
May 22 – Advanced Pull-Ups* (Gymnastics)
June 19 – Nutrition (Summer Edition)
July 31 –  Beginner Muscle Ups (Gymnastics)
August 28 – Advanced Muscle Ups* (Gymnastics)
September 25 – Olympic Lifting (Strength)
October 30 – Power Lifting (Strength)
November 27 – Rowing (Endurance)
December 18 – Running (Endurance)

*As we get closer we will post minimum standards for the advanced classes

2015 GOALS

Lisa R
1. Start saying “I can do this” and get uncomfortable
2. Strict Pull Up
3. 10 Double Unders

Sara B
1. Muscle Up
2. Handstand Walk
3. PR 1/2 Mary and Fran

Jess K
1. Muscle Up
2. Handstand Walk
3. Six Pack

1. Pull Ups
2. 20 Double Unders
3. Sub 7 Minute Mile

1. Strict Pull Up
2. Midline 2x/week

Pat W
1. Weigh 160#
2. Squat Clean 225#
3. Amanda RX

Eric Bl
1. Overhead Squat
2. Muscle Up
3. Handstand Push Up

Sara C
1. 130# Clean
2. Strict HSPU
3. 2 Triathlons

1. Kipping Pull Up
2. Successive Double Unders
3. Participate in Master’s Open

Tony D
1. Get Mel Healthy
2. Get Tony Healthy
3. Compete at Master’s Level

1. Pull My Own Body Weight
2. Lose 20#
3. Double Unders

Lisa L
1. Tabata Hollow Hold
2. Lose 20#
3. Box Jump

1. 8:00 2K Row
2. 10 Pull Ups
3. Handstand Push Up

1. Lose 20#
2. 80 oz water/day
3. 10 Kipping Pull Ups

1. Get on the Leaderboard

1. 3 Pull Ups
2. 30 Double Unders
3. Lose 12#

1. Nutrition Challenge
2. RX a WOD

1. Butterfly Pull Ups
2. Unbroken TTB
3. Overhead Squat 65#

1. String Double Unders, Pull Ups and Toes to Bar
2. Handstand Walk
3. Bar Muscle Up

Cakes (Michele)
1. Handstand Walk
2. Connect Bar and Ring Muscle Ups
3. Clean and Jerk 200#

Chris W
1. 15 Pull Ups
2. Reduce Fat
3. RX 2 WODs

John P
1. Pull Up
2. Handstand Push Up
3. Double Unders

Eric Brk
1. RX Barbell WOD
2. 1K Row w/2:00 Split
3. String Double Unders, Toes to Bar and Pull Ups

1. Have shirts fit tight in chest and not in Waist

1. Muscle Up
2. Weigh 190#
3. Buy CrossFit T Shirt

Scott A
1. Muscle Up
2. Zone 4x/Week
3. Improve Pull Ups and Sit Ups

1. Lose 15#
2.No Single Unders
3. Enduracne 2x/Week

1. Sub 10 Minute Amanda
2. Butterfly Pull Ups
3. 225# Clean

Tony P
1. 10 muscle ups unbroken
2. Butterfly Chest to Bars
3. VT 50 sub 5:30

Sam B
1. Do King Kong Rx

1. Weigh less than 200#
2. Injury Free
3. 10 Chest to Bars

Susan C
1. Work on Kipping Swing
2. Keep up with Paleo Meals
3. Track WODs

1. 1 Muscle Ups
2. Sub 7:50 2K Row
3. Use 95# in WOD

Liz P
1. 2 Min 400m Run
2. Paleo 5x/Week
3. Handstand Push Up

1. 29″ Waist
2. Handstand
3. Double Under

1. 10 Muscle Ups
2. Squat 300#
3. Deadlift 300#

Justin T
1. Gain 15#
2. Handstand Push Up
3. 10 Kipping Pull Ups

Jen B
1. Consecutive Double Unders
2. Pull Ups

1. Strict Pull Ups
2. Ring Dips
3. Drink Water

Sarah C
1. Ring Muscle Up
2. Snatch 100#
2. Sub 8 Minute Mile

1. 300# Back Squat
2. Isabel Rx
3. 225# Clean and Jerk

1. Double Unders
2. Increase Row Split

Meg D
1. Muscle Up
2. 50 Double Unders
3. Clean 115#

1. Double Unders
2. Row 5K
3. 5 Pull Ups

John H
1. Muscle Up
2. Lose 20#
3. Unbroken Double Unders

1. Pull Up
2. Toes to Bar
3. Give up Sugar

1. Nurture/Protect Brain
2. Increase Fitness to Play Hockey Again
3. Establish New Oly and CrossFit Benchmarks

1. Handstand
2. Improve Overhead Squat
3. Toes to Bar

Jess F
1. Pull Ups
2. Handstand Push Ups w/2 Abmats
3. 100 Abmat Sit Ups

1. Rope Climb
2. Handstand Walk
3. 95# Overhead Squat

Jim B
1. Bodyweight Squat Snatch
2. 10 Muscle Ups
3. Run Sub 40 Minute 10K

1. Ring Muscle Up
2. Butterfly Pull Ups
3. Weight 215#

1. Heal F’in Achilles
2. Get Dubs
3. 225# Back Squat

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  1. adavass
    adavass Sun 01.10.2016 at 8:32pm

    Clinics look fantastic. Mobility – YES.

  2. tf
    tf Sun 01.10.2016 at 8:40pm

    1. Eliminating added sugars almost entirely from my diet 🙂
    2. Handstand walk
    3. Muscle up

  3. Megan B
    Megan B Sun 01.10.2016 at 9:02pm

    2015 goals:
    1. Nurture/Protect Brain – SUCCESS!
    2. Increase Fitness to Play Hockey Again – SUCCESS!
    3. Establish New Oly and CrossFit Benchmarks – clean & jerk 155, snatch 105, back squat 185, front squat 175, overhead squat 145; 500m row 1:51.8, 5k row 23:33.8; Grace 4:15, Cindy 9+10, The Chief 15.

    This year was about getting back to some semblance of health after a pretty bad concussion in 2014. It took a LONG time and it was incredibly discouraging throughout the whole thing. Setting the first goal was so important for me this year, because it reminded me every day in the gym that I needed to make sure that whatever I was doing, it was good for my brain. Sometimes that meant I stopped a workout halfway through because I felt a migraine coming on, sometimes it meant I scaled things that made me frustrated to scale, But honestly, it was the right thing to do. I’m really proud of myself and so thankful that Mel was looking out for me. The second goal came true in May, when I started playing summer hockey. I took that slowly too, starting at a lower level than I’ve played at before. Once I realized that was safe for my brain, I felt comfortable playing with my normal team come September. Last January, I was skeptical that I’d even get to anything on goal 3, but as you can see, I made a lot of progress there too. So! Onward, upward, to 2016! (Goals in reply to this post).

    • Megan B
      Megan B Sun 01.10.2016 at 9:07pm

      2016 goals:
      1. Run a sub-30:00 5k
      2. Snatch 130#
      3. 18 visits to Daybreak/month (4 classes/week plus 2)

    • Rap
      Rap Mon 01.11.2016 at 8:09am

      Whether your 50%, 75% or 100% you’re still in inspiration to us all. Keep at it and thank you for always being positive. It’s contagious.

  4. Rap
    Rap Mon 01.11.2016 at 8:08am

    Okay… I wanna play.
    2016 GOALS:
    1) Strength: 230# Snatch (current PR = 222) + 285# C&J (270)
    2) Endurance: Sub 1:25 500m Row (1:30.8) + Sub 7:20 2000m Row (7:34.1)
    3) Qualify again for The Open Masters Regionals and finish in top 100 (127)
    Bonus: WOD w/Mel at least 2x per week and Katie 1x per week

  5. John.H
    John.H Mon 01.11.2016 at 10:01am

    2015 wasn’t my year, the goals I wanted to accomplish got derailed by my shoulder surgery. So here we go for 2016….

    Muscle Up/Bar muscle up
    Clean and jerk 250#
    Lose 10-15 lbs

  6. Bill
    Bill Mon 01.11.2016 at 12:29pm goes.
    2015 Goals –

    1. Sub 10 Minute Amanda – Nope, although there was significant progress on snatches and muscle ups. Looking back at this now, that was a pretty lofty goal/time. May have over shot it just a bit.

    2. Butterfly Pull Ups – 1/2 Success. I can bang out a few of them now, but not as many as I’d like. If I’m being honest, I didn’t really dedicate the time to getting them though.

    3. 225# Clean – Nope. Very close. Have gotten to 215# and just today, jerked 225# x 2. will happen.

    2016 Goals –
    1. Snatch 185# (current PR is 172#)
    2. Sub 6:00 mile (current PR is 6:28)
    3. Clean 225# (need to make this a reality. Current PR is 215#)

  7. Amanda W
    Amanda W Mon 01.11.2016 at 12:30pm

    2016 Goals:
    1. Endurance. Do 2 endurance workouts per week. Complete WODs faster. Sub 7:45 row.
    2. Improve core strength. Do extra core excercises 2x week.
    3. Love the family workout idea. Exercise with my kids at least 1x per week

    …and still get that muscle up!

    2015 Goals
    1. Sub 7:50 2k row- when I went to do this in December it dawned on me that I had spent about one time working on an erg outside of class time all year. This year I’m going to put in some time.
    2. Muscle up- not there yet but huge progress. I could not even do a strict pull up at the beginning of 2015 or during the Open. Doing extra work after class during Jan and Feb helped but I think the turning point was putting up an over door pull-up bar in my house. Every time I walked by it I would attempt 1 or 2 negatives. My record is 4 strict pull-ups in a row.
    3. Use 95# in a WOD- success! So much stronger last year than the year before. Definitely scaled reps on more than one occasion to go heavier. Also, doing a masters comp really pushed me outside my comfort zone and made me realize I am more capable than I think.

  8. jason3366
    jason3366 Tue 01.12.2016 at 8:19am

    i skipped goals last year as part of my strategy of aiming low. that worked out pretty well for me, but im going to get aggressive this year. im also going to organize this in a way that allows me to cheat and have more than 3 goals.

    1) Hit the following numbers:
    -400# backsquat (current PR is 360)
    -235# snatch (current PR is 217)
    -300# clean (current PR is 275)

    2) Stop sucking at handstand walks. full length of gym is the goal

    3) Learn to butterfly chest-to-bars. connect a minimum of 10 at a time

    • Rap
      Rap Tue 01.12.2016 at 10:47am

      you had to go 5# heavier on snatch didn’t you?

  9. Pat W
    Pat W Tue 01.12.2016 at 10:48am

    1)clean 225#

    2)body weight 160#

    3)10 meter hand sand walk

    Only completed 1/3 goals for 2015 (Amanda Rx)

  10. mariamaramag
    mariamaramag Tue 01.12.2016 at 10:56am

    2016 goals
    1) muscle up
    2) string movements together consistently mainly TTB and double unders
    3) >100# snatch (PR is 90)

  11. SamB
    SamB Tue 01.12.2016 at 12:13pm

    1. KingKongRx: nope. i was injured and recovering most of year.
    2. Run a 6min mile: see #1
    3. Be knee pain free: I have made major strides here… to the point where i’m squatting again. huge win.

    1. be smart and dont screw up the knee
    2. Run!. smartly get to a point where i can enjoy a 10k over the summer
    3. drop bad body weight. current target is 230 (a 15# drop)

  12. kmulcahey
    kmulcahey Tue 01.12.2016 at 2:15pm


    1. Be there [at least 3 classes a week]
    2. Cardio on off days
    3. Defend the top Beer Mile

    • Mel
      Mel Tue 01.12.2016 at 3:55pm

      hahaha yes!!

  13. Newt
    Newt Tue 01.12.2016 at 7:44pm

    2016 Goals
    1) Minimum of 16 Classes per Month
    2) Compete at a Competition
    3) Achieve Muscle-Ups

  14. Pete
    Pete Wed 01.13.2016 at 12:19pm

    2016 Goals
    0) Don’t miss any workouts because of injury! (need to put this first)
    1) Strength: cashout press and squat Wendler once per week each, goal of 115# press and 245# squat
    2) Dubs
    3) Work on snatch so I don’t feel like a jerk
    Bonus: remember that there will always be more cookies available–don’t need to eat them all at one time.

    • AK
      AK Wed 01.20.2016 at 9:47pm


  15. Erica
    Erica Wed 01.13.2016 at 12:59pm

    2016 Goals:
    1. Head games – this is the year I tackle my mental amoeba (no I don’t mean working on counting, that would
    be futile). Mental strength towards all things crossfit (see #3).
    2. Get wicked strong: hatch, barbell and if technique is there, work towards Rx-ing more wods/scale reps
    Snatch 115# (current 105#)
    C&J 160# (current 150#)
    BS 205# (current 180#)
    DL 240# (current 225#)
    3. ROWING – I am going to better myself on this piece of equipment if it kills me. 2x/week, balanced with
    fitting in hatch.

  16. ktaylor
    ktaylor Wed 01.13.2016 at 1:33pm

    1. Double Unders
    2. Mindful Eating
    3. Bar Muscle up (no band)

  17. Sarah M
    Sarah M Wed 01.13.2016 at 1:34pm

    Clean eating 90% (avoid cheese)
    Add endurance 2x per week
    135# clean and jerk

  18. nfitz
    nfitz Wed 01.13.2016 at 1:48pm

    2016 goals:
    1: 130# clean and jerk (current 120)
    2: endurance 2x week either rowing or running
    3: string TTB’s instead of having to do a knee up in between each, this should hopefully speed me up.

  19. Lisa
    Lisa Wed 01.13.2016 at 8:06pm

    2016 Goals:
    1. Eat sweets once a week
    2. Pull-up with blue band
    3. Rx something

  20. adavass
    adavass Wed 01.13.2016 at 9:10pm

    2016 Goals –
    1. RECOVER and stay healthy – keep up daily stretches & PT protocol; mobility workouts 2x/week
    2. Squats – 185 back squat (up from 165) and 150 front squat (up from 120). Use Wendler.
    3. Strict pull up – last pull-up was blue band.

    Obviously for me it’s all about #1. I have to get pain free and figure out how to work out smart so that I am not condemned to the bike for eternity. I will recover and I will listen to my body the next time it tells me to stop.

  21. btartufo
    btartufo Thu 01.14.2016 at 8:31am

    2016 Goals –
    1. 5 consecutive pull ups
    2. weight </= 225# and remain there for the year
    3. Handstand push up
    **Bonus Goal** – Stay Healthy

  22. Eric
    Eric Thu 01.14.2016 at 1:45pm

    2015 Goals:
    1. RX Barbell WOD (I’ve done it a few times with stuff on the lighter side — bodyweight DLs, high-volume, low-weight thruster or push press wods, etc. I’m a long way from doing it regularly, but I did it)
    2. 1K Row w/2:00 Split (I’ve done it)
    3. String DU, TTB and Pull Ups (I can string TTB. I can string PU, but I’m cautious there because of previous and constantly lurking arm injuries. I’ve strung as many as 25 DUs, but I can never hit even 1 consistently)

    2016 Goals:
    1. Consistent DUs
    2. Overall Endurance (ie. faster wod times because I’m not staring at the bar forever; maybe a sub 2k row — right now my PR is 8:24)
    3. Ring MU

  23. Brett S
    Brett S Thu 01.14.2016 at 3:27pm

    2016 Goals:
    1. Weigh 200lbs by 40th B-day(Sept 30). 32lbs weight loss.
    2. Muscle up and Handstand Pushup
    3. 7:00 2k row (Current PR 7:23)

    Also, really want to learn the technique on all the barbell lifts(Snatch, Cleans, Squats, etc.)

  24. Brett
    Brett Thu 01.14.2016 at 6:41pm

    2015 Goals

    1. Double Unders — Somehow – I have no idea how – I got double unders for the first time in a WOD last Tuesday.
    2. 29″ waist – I never ended up measuring again so I don’t know if I met this goal or not but I do know that my clothes fit much better and I’m wearing belts on very different loops.
    3. Handstand – Still my nemesis. Grr… (Although I didn’t really work on it that much so what can I expect?)

    2016 Goals
    1. Three consecutive strict pull ups (I got kipping pull ups in 2015 but am still working on strict.)
    2. Run one to two times a week – alternate b/w endurance workouts and time trials.
    3. Maintain healthy eating (aka eat what Mel tells me).
    4. Handstand (I guess I’ll leave that one in…)

  25. Sharon R
    Sharon R Thu 01.14.2016 at 8:07pm

    2016 Goals –
    1. Make Daybreaks most Dedicated each month (or at least most months although Mel said I should say all)
    2. Don’t fear the rig – this goal is a big one as it involves working on mobility, showing up even for WODS that I might normally pass on (see goal #1), and doing consistent work outside of daily WOD (thanks Mel) to improve skills so that I can hopefully get my first toes to bar or pull-up
    3. More consistent double unders – I can string together 30 or so from time to time but then other times I can’t do one . . . I want to get 75-100 unbroken
    Overall all of my goals require me to set better habits in general – and I hope this can also apply to better nutritional habits as well

  26. #SpeedyTurtle
    #SpeedyTurtle Fri 01.15.2016 at 5:57am

    2016 goals
    #1- endurance So I can maybe move faster in a wod. This involves rowing/burpees and working on du’s) Mel gave me lots of homework so my goal is to keep up with it once a week
    #2- get more confident in handstands and stop falling on my head (more homework)
    #3 strength- finish the hatch program (I’m on week 3)
    #4- mobility- I NEED to stretch more.
    #5- don’t spend so much time starring at the bar. Pick the damn thing up.

    I guess 5 is alot but some go hand in hand.

  27. lisar
    lisar Fri 01.15.2016 at 5:53pm

    2016 Goals
    1) Get a strict pull-up ( plan in place)
    2) Lose 10 pounds and KEEP IT OFF
    3) Endurance: Do 2 endurance wods / week
    4) attend 4-5 classes/ week consistently.

  28. Meg
    Meg Fri 01.15.2016 at 9:19pm

    Clean 125# (PR 105#)

    3MU/ 50 DU

    Faster turn around btw movements in WOD

    Yoga 2x month

  29. lourdes
    lourdes Sat 01.16.2016 at 8:30pm

    1. Get there 3 days/week…minimum
    2. Kipping PullUps – for real this time
    3. Double Unders gosh darn it- can get 1 maybe 2 – I want a series of DU!!
    4. Get my endurance back – today I start my 10 burpees a day, every day for 7 days, 20 for the following week etc –
    5. get my sugar consumption under control again

  30. Scott
    Scott Sun 01.17.2016 at 8:51pm

    1). Row, row and row some more. For those that watched my DU determination it is now rowing. Rowing has nothing to do with height (wall balls still do) is my new mantra. Sub 8:00 for 2k
    2) General Health: Lose the unhealthy pounds. Cut back on sweets and eat better. Strengthen knee and shoulders and eliminate pain. Stay healthy.
    3). Strength and movements: PR at least 3 lifts. Work on stringing movements together more consistently.

  31. Nicole
    Nicole Mon 01.18.2016 at 7:28pm

    2016 Goals:

    1.) Muscle Up
    2.) Strict Pull Up (10)
    3.) Squat Clean 135#

  32. Sara Brown
    Sara Brown Mon 01.18.2016 at 8:37pm

    2015 Goals
    1.PRhalf marathon ☑️ /PR Fran ☑️
    2.handstand walks – have made significant progress but not there yet
    3. Muscle up – still not yet. Got bar muscle ups though. Need to put in the time

    2016 Goals
    Ahhhh where to begin but I will try to be real here
    1. Accomplish outstanding 2015 Goals ( handstand walks & muscle ups)
    2. Rx handstand push ups in WODs
    3. Endurance 2/3 times a week
    4. Get nutrition back on track & lean out

  33. Jen B
    Jen B Tue 01.19.2016 at 8:59am

    2016 Goals
    1. 1 Strict pull up
    2. 5 “strict” push ups
    3. 1-2 100% no-meat dinners for the fam each week, more Mediterranean style.

    2015 goal comments – got my double unders.

  34. Michele
    Michele Wed 01.20.2016 at 2:13pm

    1- 205# Clean
    165# Snatch
    2- 3 Consecutive Legless Rope Climbs (from a seated position would be amazing)
    3- Practice Handstand Walking 2x per week

  35. AK
    AK Thu 01.21.2016 at 9:04pm

    1. Mature squat
    2. 1 Full body push up
    3. PT 3(+) times per week

  36. Kathy C
    Kathy C Fri 01.22.2016 at 12:16pm

    2015 Goals
    1. Handstand – no
    2. Toes to Bar – no
    3. Improve overhead squat- I feel better about this movement

    2016 Goals
    1. Listen to my Body
    2. Focus more on lifting technique rather than # in WOD.
    3. 2 x per week practice gymnastic skills 10 – 15 mins
    4. ” ” work on hip and shoulder mobility.

  37. Tony P
    Tony P Tue 01.26.2016 at 10:58am

    2016 Goals

    1. finish from 2015 – 10 linked MUs
    2. work on good form for overhead Olympic moves, 135# consistant snatch
    3. 225# clean
    4. 80/20 Paleo year round. in 2015 I was all in or all out.

  38. mikeg
    mikeg Tue 01.26.2016 at 9:28pm

    1) weight at or below 205 (215ish now)…need this for 2 and 3
    2) sub-22 minute 5k
    3) 10 straight kipping pull ups (now have 1 since cant get kipping movement)
    BONUS 20 consecutive double unders

  39. Cory
    Cory Wed 01.27.2016 at 9:33am

    2016 goals:
    1.Clean & Jerk 135#
    2.Consistent Double Unders
    3. Endurance WOD 1x Week

  40. Sara C
    Sara C Tue 02.02.2016 at 9:22am

    (1) 130# clean: Yep!
    (2) 2 triathlons: Did one, which turned into a duathlon (sad story). BUT, I ran more races than I had in my whole life combined, including the Sudbury July 4 Road Race, Weston 5 miler and the infamous Falmouth Road Race (#neveragainfalmouth). Also did my first CF comp (SOBO Masters).
    (3) Strict HSPU: Nope…but can do kipping ones now.

    (1) Stop beating myself up about WOD performance, lack of double unders, and body image
    (2) Drink more water and eat more vegetables
    (3) Build in extra cardio/endurance every week

  41. Ted
    Ted Sun 02.28.2016 at 6:06pm

    1. Rope climb — did my first in early Feb.!
    2. Double-under jump rope. Just need practice.
    3. Handstands
    4. Strict pull-ups.

    Is that 3? Time for a picture?

  42. […] helping our members further develop skills, techniques and movement habits in conjunction with the #3goalstobetter challenge we kick off at the beginning of each year. If you joined Daybreak after this challenge was set in […]

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