“Take On Me”
30-25-20-15-10 Burpees
10-15-20-25-30 Toes to Bar
WOD Guidance & Goal: This is a 15-20 minute workout. Find a steady pace on the burpees. Break toes to bar into manageable sets (3-5 reps) to manage grip and fatigue.
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19:27 ku/ttb
Last round was 2/3 ku, 1/3 ttb
16:44 Rx
14:32 ttb/KU
18:14, KU
20:18 ish Rx
14:04 Rx
19:02. Somehow the burpees are improving. Could be from all the other burpees. Power’s coming from somewhere near the shoulder blades. About 40% TtBAs, 60% KUs.
16:00 V-ups (touched ankles not toes – working towards toes)
12:36 Rx and some evil Erica cas our with Melissa ?
Cash out…auto-correct strikes again…
That was brutal!
17:52 TTB/KU
9:42 burpees/ghds
16:40 Rx
Why was that so hard? Holy midline.
Didn’t realize we’d done this before. :04 PR
:56 sec pr
17:07 Rx
19:43 Rx
16:50 rx
15:09 Rx
20:22 Rx
15:22 rx
20:44 rx
Hands are a lil ripped up from yesterday
1st round all TTB
2-4 rounds TTB/KU alternate
5- TTB/KU until rip, then KU
16:59 with leg lifts
19:58 rx…with a couple of questionable ttb reps
19:10. Two middle rounds were KU/TTB. Trying to get some rhythm in my kips.
14:42rx (2:31 PR)
19:57 (5-10-15-20-25 on the TTB) – going to feel that one tomorrow
20:23 rx, ripped hand last 15 were singles