- TEEN CLASSES: There will be NO Teen class TODAY, Thur 4/19
“Walk It Talk It”
With a partner
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*Alternate: Partner 1 does 12 of every movement then partner 2 does 12. Partner 1 then does 10, partner 2 does 10. Etc
WOD Guidance & Goal: xThe rest is built into this workout. Do your round as quick as possible and rest as your partner completes their work. Aim to complete this workout in 10-15 minutes.
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snatch pull + power snatch + overhead squat
5 sets 3-3-3 at 60%
5 sets 2-2-2 at 70%
5 sets 1-1-1 at 80-85%
20 good mornings + 10-15 strict pull ups
5 sets
19:12 with jodi
Me: kpu/pistols to ball/plate—only successful with left leg
Jodi: pistols to ball
Willis/Erica: 10:28 Rx/box pistols
Kathy&Kevin, 14:27, ( bl band PUs, AS for pistols) Kevin- RRs, bike, ASs to bench
Tara/Erin 17:27 bench/ball
BBC- 8×5 140# Back Squats
Pete/ada. 14:01. Rx/supermod
BBC cleans 95/125/145
Ada cleans 55/75/105
Wow Ada—he just called you a supermodel!
Damn straight!
Nissa/Maria 17:35 Rx / pistols to a ball
Brett and Katherine 18:32
Brett pistols to ball
Katherine KPU, pistols to ball and plate
w/Mellie – 8:45 rx
Crazy fast…
11:47 w/Jess
Ted/Kate 16 something. Ted BBPUs, box pistol scales mostly 24”. Kate looked Rx to me especially on pistols.
Melissa/Zev 13:34 pistols w/15# plate/ pistols 10# plate on one side box pistols on the other
Kristin/Martin 14:01ish w red band/strict CTB, Kristin pistols to ball
BBC: power snatch complex: 85#/105#/115#
Moon/Ashley, 13:36
Moon: v-ups, sit to stands, pistols w/5# plate under heel
Ashely: kpu’s
Pancho Villa & El Guapo 😉 13:40
Villa rx, El Guapo pistols from a box
BBC complex: Snatch pull, power snatch, and overhead squat at 110, 130, and 150
Katie and Sarah: 5:19?
Sarah- kpu (some may not have been legit), banded pistols
70/80/90 snatch complex. (not quite Rx)
Neal & Katy 13:38 rx / kpu, banded pistols
John/Kevin: 14:50 – Kevin single leg box