3 Rounds
35 Calorie Row
50 Sit Ups
20 Thrusters (135/95)
WOD Guidance & Goal: Each movement will take around 2 minutes to complete. Use the sit ups as the rest. Choose a weight for the thrusters that you can do 5-7 consecutive reps. This is a 20 minute workout.
Post Time to Comments.
22:36 Rx
22:23 85#
22:21 65#
22:41. 80#
Notes for me- row under 1:40 every round. sets of 5 thrusters all the way.
22:08, 65#
21:01 95# FS
27:29. 95#. Thrusters!!!
Great effort 7 am!
19:17 115#
15:11 55# 25/35/15 – scaled for day on my feet at work
23:04 rx
19:40 #95
Should have gone heavier… Next time…
~30:15 65#
17:01, 600m run & 70# KB FS’s
23:32 (or :23 I forget)
22:40 65#
26:? 75#
@ 115#