WOD: Sat 06.23.2018 “Backstreet”



EMOM 16:
3 Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Jerks

*Use 65% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk. The third clean can be a squat clean. The third front squat can go right into the jerk (thruster). Movements must be completed unbroken.

WOD Guidance & Goal: Stick with 65%, it will be a challenge. Today is about strength training.

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  1. Cakes Sat 06.23.2018 at 8:01am


  2. Pete Sat 06.23.2018 at 8:05am


  3. Rap Sat 06.23.2018 at 8:08am

    155# – skipped round 11

  4. Jack L Sat 06.23.2018 at 8:14am


  5. lourdes Sat 06.23.2018 at 10:10am

    65# – maybe a little light for these movements for me but good cardio/breathe management on more humid day. Did combo moves of squat clean and thruster. Thanks Michele for the pre-Wod advice!

  6. Jay Sat 06.23.2018 at 10:12am

    115# skipped 14
    This looked so much more doable on paper…

  7. Erin Sat 06.23.2018 at 10:29am


  8. Moon (SG) Sat 06.23.2018 at 10:45am

    65#, prob could have gone heavier, but jerks/shoulder were limiting factor.
    But loved this WOD!

  9. El Guapo Sat 06.23.2018 at 10:47am

    95 from hang
    El Guapo

  10. Willis Sat 06.23.2018 at 10:47am

    135# (20# more than last time)

  11. Ted Sat 06.23.2018 at 11:15am

    65#. Good mix of weights and cardio. Maybe could have gone a bit heavier.

  12. Tony P Sat 06.23.2018 at 11:38am


  13. SamB Sat 06.23.2018 at 11:52am

    155# that was brutal.

  14. Silver Fox Sat 06.23.2018 at 12:27pm


  15. mikey Sat 06.23.2018 at 5:29pm

    125# skipped rnd 11

  16. nealmillman Sun 06.24.2018 at 8:21pm

    135# Should have gone 145 or 155

  17. MichelleH Mon 06.25.2018 at 3:24pm

    60#, could have gone a little heavier.

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