“Come Around”
Jerks (135/95)
Toes to Bar
Push Jerk + Split Jerk
3 sets, building
WOD Guidance & Goal: Choose a weight that you can do 7-10 reps before having to put the bar down. Big set of toes to bar to start then chip away at smaller sets. Target 5-10 minutes. Go heavy on the jerk complex
Post Time and Weight to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
6:57 Rx – 165/185/195
Complex: 185/205/215
9:36 75#
80, 85, 90
8:54 85# 95/100/110
9:23 @ 115 – 165 fail/155/160
9:12 65# push press
Front squat 65/85/105
7:54, 75#, 95, 100, 110
6:40 135#/knee up toe-up combo
185-195-205 push jerk/split jerk complex
7:40 75#/T2B alternated with KneesUp/115# – listening to body today …it’s says – you’re tired!
7:38 @ 95# w/alternating ttb/ku
complex: 105/115/135
9:?? :20 maybe? I forget
#75 8/7/6; 6/5/4; 6/3
Mostly knees up, single t2b last round
85/95/100 but I think It was a push press not a push jerk