Per our recent communication to members, we will be temporarily closing both locations (Acton and Wayland) until further notice. If you did not receive our member email, which contains a lot of important information, please email us at [email protected].

Our last day of in-person classes will be Monday, March 16. This will also be the day where you can pick up a piece of loaner equipment for daily coach-led, online classes. If you are unable to join our online classes, we will continue to post home WODs with guidance videos which can be done at a more convenient time.


“Fill Me In”
Broad Jumps
Sit to Stand
*50ft bear crawl after every round

WOD Guidance & Goals:
Rebound the broad jumps and roll through sit to stands at a continuous pace. Target 10 minutes. 

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Front Squats
1/2 Strict Pull Up

WOD Guidance & Goals:
Choose a weight you can quickly cycle through 10 reps. Chip away at strict pull ups. Target 10 minutes. 

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4 rounds
400m, rest :60
200m, rest :60


Burgener Strength

1) Back squat: 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x 5 reps, 75%x 5 reps.
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat: 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x 5 reps x 2 sets.