MON WOD Recording: Here
4 Rounds
6 Hang Squats Cleans
12 Burpees
18 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
24 Double Unders
Weight: 185/135
4 Rounds
6 Hang Squats Cleans
12 Burpees
18 Pull Ups
8 Attempts
Weight: 155/105
4 Rounds
6 Hang Squats Cleans
12 Burpees
18 Ring Rows
32 Single Unders
Weight: 115/75
Choose a weight for the hang squat cleans that you can cycle for 2-3 reps before having to break. Move at a moderate pace on the burpees. Break pull ups into 6/6/6 or 10/8, and by the third and fourth round sets of 3. Do big sets of dubs/singles. Target 20 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
4 Rounds
6 Broad Jumps
12 Burpees
18 Lunges
24 Jumping Jacks
16:09 65#, 9 kpu/9 rr
21:24 MCx
14:53 (65#, Ring Row, Singles)
19;12 75#, 18 pull ups
19:44 MAx w/ C2B & Dubs
14:47 MCx
That weight ain’t no joke
Great workout
19:08 MCx
??:?? (couldn’t see clock), 135#, Lat pull downs (120#) instead of C2B
You need to start running that clock in your home gym
105#, strict pullups
First time doing a full squat on a clean!!!
Over time limit. Long walk to the pullups and dubs were a disaster.
15:55 35# [R shoulder:(], Ring Rows and DUs. I liked it better than I thought but probably because I did not go heavy
22:09 MCx
19:37 – 155#
18:12. 115#. A few of my squat hang cleans actually involved a squat thanks to Mel’s awesome coaching. Strict ctb and su
18:42- 105# & KPU
Ps thanks Michele 🙂
20:51 – MCX @ 135#
16:17 modification nation
35#DBs for Hang clean, 12 Cal Ski Erg, 18 Ring Rows, 50 singles
19:33 95#/C2B (some only pu at the end)/8DU att
17:42 105#, C2B (18 until round 3 when ripped on #12 so moved to RR for round 4)
20:37 MCx
HSC 3/3 the whole way. C2B were difficult.
17:38 MVx , strict pullups with band
18:36 mcx
18:38 MCx
18:21? 75#, 12 Burpees, 12 BB kipping PUs broken, 12 SUSUDU/DUAs per round
19:31 85# 18 banded pull ups
17:56 115# / C2B / Singles
20:29 MC – 105#
1 round h sq cleans, rest fr sq, 115#
12 burpees
18 CTB 3 rounds, last KPU
48 singles
13:50 with all the mods
6 front squats @ 85#
12 sit to stands
10 push up
24 double unders
21:39 135# and strict CTBs (12 reps)