Sadly, the summer is coming to an end. As we slowly ramp back up to some form of a schedule, and school is back in session, it’s time to make your physical and mental health a priority. Many of us have been a bit lax during the summer, so it’s time to get back to some good, healthy eating habits. Fueling and moving your body is the best way to reduce stress, feel good mentally and physically, stay healthy, and conquer anything life may throw at us! No better way to do so than with a little PARTNER nutrition recharge!

For those new to Daybreak (and as a reminder for you Daybreak vets), nutrition isn’t about crash dieting, temporary habits or unsustainable routines. It’s about educating and exposing you to different ways of eating so that you can choose the best nutritional structure that works into your and your family’s daily routine. In other words, it’s about balance. While we’ll be more structured for the next SIX WEEKS by throwing in some points to keep you motivated, we’re hopefully creating some habits that can last you a lifetime.


Challenge Runs:
Start of Tuesday 9/7 to end of day Tuesday 10/19

YES, that’s SIX WEEKS! Why? Well, around week 4 is when you start to feel/see changes in your performance, your sleep, and how your favorite pair of pants fit. It also takes 21 days to form a habit, and we want those new habits to stick and become part of your lifestyle.


You can eat ANY FOODS you’d like. However, to help guide you in making better decisions for your overall health and performance, there will be daily challenges.

EVERYDAY challenges:

  • Eat 6+ cups of vegetables
    • Spinach, kale, swiss chard, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, peppers, potatoes, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, etc.
  • Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water
    • 120lb x 0.5 = 60# = 60 ounces of water per day
  • Get 7 hours of sleep
    • Naps count toward your total for the day
  • Move your body
    • At Daybreak, at home, anywhere!
  • No Junk
    • No added sugar (maple syrup, fruit and honey are all good), no alcohol, no processed foods (ex: cookies, candies, chips, cereals, frozen novelties, etc.,)


Throughout the 6 week challenge you have the potential to earn the following DAILY points

  • Eating Cups of Veggies – 1 point per cup with a max of 6 points
  • Drinking half your bodyweight in ounces of water – 1 point
  • Getting 7 hours of sleep – 1 point
  • Working out – 1 point
  • No Junk – 1 point

If you eat 6 cups of veggies (6 points), drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water (1 point), get at least 7 hours of sleep (1 point), you workout (1 point),  and you do not eat any “junk” you EARN 10 points. If you have 6+ cups of veggies (6 points), drink enough water (1 point), sleep (1 point), but no workout for the day, and you have a glass of wine, you still EARN 8 points!


We workout with friends to keep us accountable and motivated, why not when it comes to fueling our bodies?! Pick a PARTNER to hold you accountable. Throughout the recharge, you and your buddy will have bonus challenges to earn extra points. At the end of the 6 weeks, your scores will be tallied together to determine the “winners”


Head over to Triib registration link HERE. You should use the same login information that you use to RSVP for classes.

Then, to keep track, you simply log into your Triib mobile app (yes, the same one you use to RSVP) and click on the 3 horizontal bars in the upper right and scroll down to “Events” and you’ll see the challenge. Click on the challenge and you’ll be able to enter your food scores. The app will keep your score and rank you in the gym! If you miss a logging your points, sign into Triib on your computer. You’ll have access to prior days and can update your score!

Aside from tracking your points, keep a personal log (does not have to be on the app) with updates on energy, performance, sleep, hunger, skin quality, emotions, and how your clothes feel. And, TAKE A PICTURE at the beginning of this challenge and at the end. The log will help you feel the changes occurring in your body and the picture will help you to see your progress!