- TODAY: Regular Schedule
- TOMORROW: Regular Schedule
“Time For Sleep”
6-5-4-3 Legless Rope Climb
40-30-20-10 Pistols
40-30-20-10 Dumbbell Snatch
Weight: 50/35
7-6-5-4 Rope Climb
40-30-20-10 Assisted Pistols
40-30-20-10 Dumbbell Snatch
Weight: 35/20
12-10-8-6 Ring Row + Knee Up
40-30-20-10 Step Downs
40-30-20-10 Dumbbell Snatch
Weight: 25/15
Like all gymnastics movements, do not go to failure on the legless rope climb. Take :05-:10 between climbs to ensure your grip/arms are ready for the next rep. Alternate legs and alternate arms to complete the pistols and dumbbell snatches. Pick a pace on both movements that allows you to complete at least half the reps of every set before taking a break. Target 15 minutes.
Courtesy of
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40-30-20-10 Lunges
40-30-20-10 Sit Ups
10 x :60 hill run
I want to write MCX, but the truth is on my final rope climb my feet got me to the final tap.
I 💜 pistols
So impressive and strong! Nice work!!
18:02 4 3 2 1 rope climbs with legs, 25#, pistols to ball 30, 20, 10, 6
11:47, MVx, but ASs for pistols
Kevin 11:41, , MVx but ASs and 20# DB snatch
5-4-3-2 RCs some no reps. BB pistols improving. 25# DB a bit light.
Finished the round of 20 @ 20 min
50# / pistol attempts (gotta with for that depth)
17:48. Max but with legless
35# DB
First 4 legless then had to use legs for rest of them with biceps getting toasted so fast. Weak movement for me, but working on it!!
21:19 – Assisted Pistols/40#
50# unbroken on 40,30
Laying on the ground and pulling to standing for Rope climbs.
30#, legs (6,7,5,4)
17:14 mcx
-30#, rc with legs (6/5/4/3), assisted pistols (30/20/10/6)
15:02 (rope pulls to standing, pistols to bench on right leg, MCx snatches (all unbroken))
19:14 scaled pistols
18:54- 4/3/2/1 rope climbs w/ legs, rest mcx
18:32 – lotsa mods
17:38 with legs (3 first 2 rounds, then hang from the floor rest of set), mod pistols, 20#. Great to be with the early morning crew today.
24:06 35#/pistols to bench/ all legless
19:46 legless but not all started under my chin, and a few I grabbed early with my legs to touch the rafters
did 40 pistols in all 16-12-8-4 (felt right)
rest MCx….