- TODAY + TOMORROW: Regular Schedule
“Time Changes”
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Dumbbell Step Ups, 20″
Dumbbell Russian Twists
500 Meter Row
Weight: 75/55, 53/35
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Dumbbell Step Ups, 20″
Dumbbell Russian Twists
400 Meter Row
Weight: 55/35, 35/20
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Dumbbell Step Ups, 20″
Dumbbell Russian Twists
350 Meter Row
Weight: 55/35, 25/15
For the sumos, choose a light weight and do five sets of ten reps with very small breaks between sets. The step ups are with one dumbbell and can be held anyway you’d like, except resting the db on your thigh. Choose a weight for the step ups that you can hold onto for the first fifty reps unbroken. Use that same dumbbell for the Russian twists (left is one, right is two), and complete every round with a 500 meter row (2:00). Target 22 minutes.
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23:02 MCx
23:01 35# SDLHP 10# step ups, 25# russian twists
22:20 35#rt/rest MCx
29:00 MVx+. 50-35-20, 500m rows
24:30 – 75#/35#
21:50 MCx
23:30 35#/10#