• The 2022 CrossFit Open starts next week!! What is it? Am I ready? How do I sign up? All questions can be answered HERE


“@ My Worst”

10 x AMRAP 1
3 Thrusters
Max Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute

Weight: 155/105

10 x AMRAP 1
3 Thrusters
Max Attempts
Rest 1 Minute

Weight: 115/75

10 x AMRAP 1
3 Thrusters
Max Single Unders
Rest 1 Minute

Weight: 75/55

Thank you RPM for this little diddy! You have ONE MINUTE to complete three heavy thrusters (have to JUMP the weight off of your shoulders), and in the remaining time do as many double unders as possible (you’ll have around :45). Write down your total during the 1 minute rest, and at the end your score will be total reps from all 10 rounds.

Courtesy of RPM

Post Total Reps to Comments.


10 x AMRAP 1
6 Sit to Stands
Max Timers
Rest 1 Minute


20 x 50m sprint, walk back