NEWSLETTER: Did you get our FALL Newsletter? If not, please let a coach know and we’ll send you one asap. We’ve announced:

  • CLASS SCHEDULE UPDATE – Effective Saturday October 1
  • NEW OLYMPIC LIFTING CLASS & SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAMMING – Starts on Saturday October 1. Sign up on Triib (no additional cost to members… just counts as a visit)
  • HALLOWEEN PARTNER THROWDOWN + SOCIAL – Saturday October 29. Sign up at front desk!



7 x on the 3 minute
5 Power Cleans
10 Wall Balls
10 Calorie Bike

Weight: 185/135, 30/20

7 x on the 3 minute
5 Power Cleans
10 Wall Balls
10 Calorie Bike

Weight: 155/105, 20/14

7 x on the 3 minute
5 Power Cleans
10 Wall Balls
7 Calorie Bike

Weight: 115/75, 14/10

Heavy wall balls! Choose a weight for the power cleans that you may have to break into sets of 3 and 2, or fast singles. Use a heavier wall ball than you typically use. It’s only 10 reps, try to go unbroken! Then SPRINT the 10 calorie bike (take less than :50) Each interval target 2 minutes or less per interval.

Post Intervals to Comments.


7 x on the 3 minute
5 Burpees
10 Squats
200 Meter Run

