Friday Night Lights 3/3 at 5:30p: Tropical Themed – dress as if it’s in the 80’s! Shorts, tanks, sunglasses, tropical shirts, flip flops, a beach towel, goggles, and zinc oxide noses!

EVERYONE is welcome, whether you’re registered for the Open or not. If you did the workout earlier in the day, please come back to cheer on your fellow Daybreakers, partake in the theme and win a prize, have a beverage (adult if you’d like), and hangout after for a little social!


“The Orange”

4 x AMRAP 3
4 Lateral Burpees
4 Deadlifts
4 Hang Power Cleans
4 Thrusters
Rest 2 Minutes

Weight: 135/95

4 x AMRAP 3
4 Lateral Burpees
4 Deadlifts
4 Hang Power Cleans
4 Thrusters
Rest 2 Minutes

Weight: 115/75

4 x AMRAP 3
4 Burpees
4 Deadlifts
4 Hang Power Cleans
4 Thrusters
Rest 2 Minutes

Weight: 75/75

Orange you happy to see this workout? Ya see what I did there? Ok enough dad jokes. For three minutes, you’ll cycle through the burpee, deadlift, hang power clean, and thruster combo as many times as possible, then rest two minutes between amraps. Keep the burpees to a steady pace, so you can pick up the barbell as soon as you complete them. THEN, do three deadlifts with a quick break before you do the last one, then right into three hang power cleans. Take a quick break before doing your final hang power clean, then do all four thrusters in a row. Get as many rounds and reps per amrap 3, and always pick up where you left off. Target 3+ rounds per AMRAP 3, and record your total rounds plus any extra reps.

Post Rounds to Comments.


4 x AMRAP 3
4 Burpees
4 Lunges
4 V-Ups
4 Squats
Rest 2 Minutes


60 min ruck/hike