Our fall and winter resets have evolved over the years, and this year is no different. Like previous resets, we provide you with pillars of fitness/health that allow you to be your best self. Those pillars include: food/nutrition, hydration, movement, and sleep, and now we’re adding meditation, and gratitude.

This year, under every pillar, we recommend choosing AT LEAST 1 GOAL FROM EACH that work best for YOU! Rather than us suggesting you eat 6 cups of veggies per day, or sleep 7+ hours, YOU will choose the best goals and guidelines for YOUR body, YOUR schedule, YOUR mind.

Oh no. That’s a lot of pressure. Where do I start?
Don’t worry. We provide guidance (below) on what goals could work under each pillar. All of the goals are achievable and effective. But, if you need a sounding board, ask a coach!

What if I’m already excelling at a few of those pillars?
Great! If you’re excelling in any or multiple pillars of fitness/health, keep doing what you’re doing and don’t make any changes. But, we suggest you add an additional goal from one of the other pillars.

So, in the end, you should have a minimum of 6 goals, ideally one in each pillar, but if you’re already killing one or more of the pillars, challenge yourself by taking an additional goal in another pillar.



  • Add 1-2 cups of fruit and veggies to every meal
  • Eat 1g of protein per pound bodyweight (125lb person eats 125g of protein)
  • Eat breakfast 3x/week (currently doesn’t eat breakfast)
  • Eat 1-2 meals out/take-out per week (currently eating 3+)
  • Limit alcohol (1-2 servings/week)
  • Limit added sugar (1-2 desserts per week)


  • Drink 20oz of water upon waking
  • Drink 16oz of water with every meal
  • Drink ½ your bodyweight in ounces of water (120lb person = 60oz of water)
  • Drink 100oz of water/day


  • 10k steps per day (currently averaging 7k)
  • Walk 2 miles/day
  • Daybreak 3+ times per week (currently averaging 2)
  • Daybreak 5x/week (currently averaging 3)
  • 20-30 minute walk post dinner (and/or lunch)
  • Meet a friend 1-2x/week to walk and catch up
  • 2 Endurance workouts (run, row, bike, etc.,) per week


  • 7+ hours of sleep per night
  • No phone/electronics 30 min to 1.5 hours before bed
  • Get in bed a half hour earlier than usual
  • Read for 30-60 minutes before bed


  • 3-5 minutes of breath work 3+ times per week (for beginners)
  • Use the calm or headspace app for guided meditation 3+ times per week
  • Everyday meditation for 10+ minutes (advanced)
  • Walk for 5-10 minutes with no distractions (music, headphones, talking, etc.,) and listen to your surroundings


  • Daily (or 3x/week) say out loud or write down 3+ things in your life that you’re grateful for
  • At least 3x/week complete a guided gratitude journal
  • Express your gratitude daily with a call or text someone you’re thankful for, compliment someone, connect with a friend, offer to help, etc.


There is a daily/weekly goal tracker (printed at the gym, or pdf format HERE) for you to use to chart your progress. Under each pillar, list your goals and be as specific as possible. Then, as you complete a goal for the day, mark off your accomplishment for the designated day/week.

Keep your chart at the gym with your classmates, or print and hang it somewhere you’ll see it every day. Over time you’ll notice on your sheet where your fitness/overall health could be lacking/thriving based on how complete/incomplete your chart is.