“Dog Biscuit”

10 Rounds
10/7 Calorie Bike
5 Strict Pull Ups
5/5 DB Lunge
5 DB Floor Press
10 DB Sit Ups

Weight: 50/35

10 Rounds
10/7 Calorie Bike
5 Banded Pull Ups
5/5 DB Lunge
5 DB Floor Press
10 DB Sit Ups

Weight: 35/20

10 Rounds
9/6 Calorie Bike
5 Ring Rows
5/5 DB Lunge
5 DB Floor Press
10 DB Sit Ups


Woo hoo a 10 rounder! Spend no more than :30-:45 on the bike calories. Do the first set of strict pull ups unbroken (use a band to achieve this stimulus) and spend about :15-:20 on them. The db lunges are with two dumbbells held anyway, anyhow (shoulders or farmer), completing all five reps on one side then all five on the other. The db floor press do unbroken every round, then drop 1 db for the weighted sit ups. Feel free to anchor your feet with the free db. Target 25 minutes.

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