“Sunday Scaries”
42-30-18-12 Step Ups, 24″
21-15-9-6 Cal Row
15-12-9-6 Wall Walk
42-30-18-12 Sit Up
42-30-18-12 Step Ups, 24″
21-15-9-6 Cal Row
9-6-3-1 Wall Walk
42-30-18-12 Sit Up
30-24-18-12 Step Ups, 24″
15-12-9-6 Cal Row
30-24-18-12 Plank Taps
30-24-18-12 Sit Up
The first set of each movement will take around 2:00 each. The middle set will take around :90 each, the second to last :60 each and the last set around :30 each. Target 20 minutes and scale reps/movements to meet the time domains.
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