“Jackie Squared”
2 Rounds
1k Row
50 Thrusters
30 Pull Ups
Weight: 45
2 Rounds
750 Meter Row
50 Thrusters
20 Pull Ups
Weight: 35
2 Rounds
500 Meter Row
20 Thrusters
20 Ring Rows
Weight: 25
Double Jackie?! Heck yes! The 1k row will take around 4:00 to complete, and be sure to scale the meters to meet the time domain. The thrusters should feel very light, and can be done in 30 and 20 reps or 15,15,10 and 10. For the first set of pull ups, break more frequently (10,10,10) to save your grip for the second row, and for the last set of pull ups go for bigger sets. Target 8 minutes per round (scale reps), and there will be a 20 minute cap.
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14:58, 600 m, 20 thrusters (25#), 20 banded PUs ( pur/ blk)
9:23/19:50 MAX
18:08 MAx but with 30 ring rows instead of 20 pu
25:28 MCx + 3 dance parties 💃😜
18:18 MC…(Round 1 MCx, Round 2, subbed thrusters with situps)
11 reps short at the cap
1k. Row/35#/10 banded PU, 20 RR
18:47 mcx
MAx 20:00 time out with 1 PU left to complete second circuit
19:13 2 rounds 900m, 30 35# thrusters, 15 kipping blue band PUs
16 pull-ups to go at 20:00 cap
1+1053 MCx