Schedule Change: Fourth of July Week

  • TODAY 7/2 – Regular Schedule
  • Wednesday 7/3: 5:30a, 6:30a, 8:30a + 9:30a – No PM Class
  • Thursday 7/4: CLOSED
  • Friday 7/5 – Sun 7/7 – ONE CLASS at 8:30a


“Maintaining Posture”

5 Rounds
300 Meter Run
10/10 Hang DB Snatch
30 DB Russian Twists

Weight: 50/35

5 Rounds
300 Meter Run
10/10 Hang DB Snatch
30 DB Russian Twists

Weight: 35/20

5 Rounds
200 Meter Run
10/10 Hang DB Snatch
20 DB Russian Twists

Weight: 25/15

Get ready to MOVE!! Spend :90 on the 300 meter run, then choose a weight for the hang snatch that you can cycle for five reps before having to break. Complete all ten reps on one side before switching arms. Spend around :60-:75 on the snatches. Then use one of your dumbbells for the twists (20 per side). Again, completing the reps in around :60. Target 15-17 minutes.

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