Every Friday during the summer will be a “Spirit Day.” If you’d like to participate, have your gym attire reflect that day’s theme. Last year was a blast! You’ll see a few themes repeated, and some really great new ones!
TODAY Fri 7/26 – School Spirit
Fri 8/2 – The Uniform (all black)
Fri 8/9 – Country vs. Country Club
Fri 8/16 – Version of Your Former Self
Fri 8/23 – Monochromatic Color Blocking
Fri 8/30 – Barbie


“Weigh On Me”

3 x AMRAP 7
300 Meter Run
30 Wall Balls
30 Sit Ups
rest 2 min

Weight: 20/14

3 x AMRAP 7
300 Meter Run
30 Wall Balls
30 Sit Ups
rest 2 min

Weight: 14/10

3 x AMRAP 7
200 Meter Run
20 Wall Balls
20 Sit Ups
rest 2 min

Weight: 10/6

ou only have seven minutes, how many rounds can you get!? 300 meters takes about :90 to complete. Try to do the first round of wall balls in sets of 20 and 10, if not unbroken (:75 at most.) Then, fly through your sit ups to make up time for the run or broken wall ball sets (;60-:75.) Target 2 rounds every seven minutes, and stay as consistent as possible!

Post Rounds to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.