“Not That Bad”

10 x on the 3 Minute
200 Meter Run
10 Toes to Bar
5 DB Clean+Jerks

Weight: 50/35

10 x on the 3 Minute
200 Meter Run
10 Knee Ups
5 DB Clean+Jerks

Weight: 35/20

10 x on the 3 Minute
100 Meter Run
10 V-Ups
5 DB Clean+Jerks

Weight: 25/15

The faster you move the more rest you earn! Run the 200 meters in :60 or less, then for as long as possible do the toes to bar unbroken (at most :30). Use two heavy dumbbells for the five clean and jerks (:15-:20) trying to do them unbroken for as many rounds as possible. Target 2 minutes per interval, and scale the run or reps to meet the time domain. Record fastest and slowest splits. Stay consistent!

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