We are excited to introduce a sneak peek into our weekly workouts! On Sunday nights, you’ll now know the FOCUS (stimulus) of the daily workouts before the coming week. This will give you the chance to align your weekly plans with your fitness goals. Want to get stronger? You now can arrange your schedule to never miss a strength day! Want better endurance? Make it to Daybreak on endurance days!

But don’t worry… our workouts will give you adequate doses of all stimuli across the week so you don’t have to sweat missing a day here or there.

There are FOUR focus areas that we incorporate into our daily workouts, and we organize them so that they build on one another. You may even see more than one in a day..

Very high intensity relative to your ability. These are typically short bursts (three minutes or less) of effort, followed by lower intensity exercises or even rest. The goal is to maximize your effort every round. Examples: bike sprints, every minute on the minute (EMOM), tabata, AMRAP 3 or less, running intervals, etc.

While you’ll build strength across all our workouts, these days focus on lifting moderate to heavy loads to build muscle capacity. This does NOT mean you’ll get bulky lifting heavy once or twice a week. We gradually increasing weights, reps, and intensity to keep muscles challenged and improve joint and bone health.

Where the magic happens! Triplets, couplets, and chippers, using various pieces of equipment, including your bodyweight. This is where you consistently get outside your comfort zone, and make adaptations toward achieving your fittest self. These workouts are done at moderate to high intensity, they elicit a high heart rate response, and average around 15 minutes.

The 20+ minute sweatfests that we all know and love! Think just-able-to-hold-a-conversation pace (zone 2) workouts that improve your cardiovascular health, muscular endurance, and prolong your life. You’ll see lots of these on Saturdays and Sundays!

So you see, there is a method to our madness and we hope this insight into our programming will help you plan your week and ensure you get the most out of Daybreak!