- TOMORROW Mon 11/11 Veteran’s Day: We will have classes at 6:30a, Open Gym at 7:30a, 8:30a and 5:30p classes ONLY!
“Dust It Off”
5 Rounds
15 Ring Rows
50 Sit Ups
30 DB Snatch
200 Meter DB Farmer’s Carry
Weight: 50/35
5 Rounds
15 Ring Rows
50 Sit Ups
30 DB Snatch
200 Meter DB Farmer’s Carry
Weight: 35/20
5 Rounds
10 Ring Rows
40 Sit Ups
20 DB Snatch
100 Meter DB Farmer’s Carry
Weight: 25/15
Don’t underestimate the ring row! Stand with your feet under the rings, take one step forward, and then lay back so your eyes are under the rings for the ring rows. You should have to break these into sets of five reps. Then, motor through fifty sit ups, maybe taking a break at rep twenty five, or doing one continuous set. For the db snatches, choose a weight you can cycle for twenty of the thirty reps before having to break the set. Use that same dumbbell for the farmer’s carry, switching hands at the manhole cover. Target 30 minutes.
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