“Thx CF”
1 Wall Walk
3 Deadlifts
5 Toes to Bar
Weight: 185/135
1 Mod Wall Walk
3 Deadlifts
5 Knee ups
Weight: 135/95
10 Plank Taps
3 Deadlifts
5 V-Ups
Weight: 95/65
Yes, you’re going to complete ALL THREE movements in one minute, and with any remaining time you get to rest. One wall walk will take :05-:10, the three deadlifts :03-:06, and each toes to bar takes about :03 each. Every minute, you ADD TWO TOES TO BAR!! Minutes one through three, try to complete a round in :30. Minutes four through six, try to finish the work around :45. And minute 7+ try to stay under the minute cap. If you fail to complete the designated amount of toes to bar, go back to five reps until the fifteen minutes has expired. Record your highest successful round of toes to bar.
Post Highest Round to Comments.
5 across, 95#, started with walk walks and TTB/pike ups, by the end modified wall walks and almost all pike ups
This workout is 8 minutes too long 🙂
11 MCx (then 1 round off, then just held 5’s for the remainder)
11 mcx … then blew a gasket with 12 in next round … then hodge podge of TTB and deadbugs for remaining rounds.
got to either 13 or 15, stopped at 5 the next round to get a breather and worked my way back to 17 in the last round.
wall walks/115# deads/pike-ups (with some lazy knee ups)
Wall walk / 155# / 5-15, round off, 5-11, yada, yada
Mod Wall Walk, 145#, 5 TTB/Pike Ups
1 Mod Wall Walk
3 Deadlifts 95#
5 Knee ups 5-7-9-11, then 5-7-9-10, 5-7-9-5-7-9-5