Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (GOALS + GUIDANCE: The weight will start in the standing position, unlock your knees, and send your hips to the wall. Stop the bar below your knees at about mid shin before the weight hits the floor. Build to 7.5/10 (75%) effort for all four sets.)
“Call It Love” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
“Call it Love”
18 DB Step Overs, 20″
9 Pull Ups
Rest :30
MCx: 50/35
MAx: 35/20, 5 strict (band)
MVx; 25/15, 12 ring rows
GOALS + GUIDANCE: As fast as possible, do 18 db step up overs holding the dumbbell however you would like, without having to come to full extension of your knees and hips at the top of the box. At the rig, try to do the pull ups unbroken or in two to three quick sets. Rest :30 before the next round, target four rounds.
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