- TEENS: 4:30pm Tue, Wed and Thur
- RNG: Sundays 8a
- YOGA: Sundays 9:15a
Front Squat
1 Rep Max
“Freddy Krueger”
Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
Post Weight and Time to Comments.
Snatch balance + 3 overhead squats
Hang Snatch
3 rep max
155# (15# pr), 5:53 rx
Nice job – and I think you had more in the tank!!!
135# / 5:32 Rx
PR for FS and first time using a 53# in a WOD!!
Great news Erin! Getting stronger!
congrats Erin!
Nice work!
Great job!
105# (5# pr) 6:42, 35#
Thanks Jackson for your help in BBC.
Hell yeah! Great job today
So much fun with the 5:30am crew
355 front squat
3:08 rx
Thanks Ash for being my squat partner!!!
Y’all were so fun to watch! And those quads!!!
Front Squat – 270# (5# PR)
“Freddy Krueger” – 4:00 Rx
235# / 4:57 RX
195# (=pr). Great job this morning Hopper and Michael!
4:51 70# Russian swings
BBC 75# snatches felt pretty good
145# 4 rds
Freddy K – 4:26 rx
BBC after
130# PR form felt much better. 6:55 44# KB
#155 (#5 PR) but it was ugly. Chest was dumping forward.
5:09 (I think? I forget the seconds) #35 due to Spartan this weekend
4:13 44#
150# (PR) / 4:13 Rx
85# / 3:56-26#
215# (to box – knee)
4:29 Rx
150#/ 6:00 rx
275#/4:36 Rx
This is not spam.
200# (15# PR). 4:28? 53# KB, sit to stand (wrist)
145# (10# PR) / 5:3?- 35#
Front squat 255#- 30# PR since Feb/2017
5:17 Rx for Freddy
#145, need to go heavier next time. 4:16 35#