- Return of the Saturday 7a class!
“911 Tribute”
With a Partner
2001 Meter Run
11 Box Jumps
11 Thrusters
11 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
11 Power Cleans
11 Handstand Push Ups
11 Kettlebell Swings
11 Toes to Bar
11 Deadlifts
11 Jerks
2001 Meter Run
Height: 24″
Weight: 135/95, 70/53
With a Partner
2001 Meter Run
11 Box Jumps
11 Thrusters
11 Pull Ups
11 Power Cleans
11 Abmat Handstand Push Ups
11 Kettlebell Swings
11 Knee Ups
11 Deadlifts
11 Jerks
2001 Meter Run
Height: 20″
Weight: 115/75, 53/35
With a Partner
2001 Meter Run
11 Step Up
11 Thrusters
11 Ring Rows
11 Power Cleans
11 DB Press
11 Kettlebell Swings
11 Leg Lifts
11 Deadlifts
11 Jerks
2001 Meter Run
Height: 24″
Weight: 95/65, 35/26
Grab a partner, put your head down, and grind away. Divide the 2001 meters into 400’s, the final 401 meters you will do together. For the 11 reps of the 9 movements, each partner will complete 11 reps. You decide if you do all 11 at one time or divide them up, but BOTH partners must complete 11 reps before moving on to the next exercise. Target 30 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
Brett and Marina 28:26 65/75 pike ups/v-ups pull ups 44# 2 ab mats/strict
Bill & Sam – 32:31 MCx
With Lynn. 35:00
With Todd
MCx/ some row and pike ups
W the Mayor. Max except ttb, bench hspu, and Tim Russian swings
28:48 (I think) was awesome Tim!
How did I forget to post score….
28:36 85#
❤️ this one! Never Forget.
clock stopped working but 34?? w/ Bri!
my mods- 85# & 1 ab mat
w/ Melissy MC + 1ab