
About Mel

Mel is an accomplished CrossFit athlete and coach. She's competed on the world stage, and is one of the few Level 3 Certified trainers in New England. She has worked for CrossFit HQ in their L1 Seminar Staff and now enjoys bringing world-class fitness to her members as Co-Owner and Head Coach of Daybreak CrossFit.

WOD: Sat 06.01.2024 “Taking Control”

June Challenge Starts TODAY!
Teens Summer Program
Summer Spirit Fridays

"Taking Control"
400 Meter Run
100 GTOH
400 Meter Run
100 Hollow Rocks
400 Meter Run
100 Burpees
400 Meter Run
100 Superman Rocks
400 Meter Run
100 Russian Twists
400 Meter Run

2024-05-29T14:19:18-04:00By |Categories: WOD|2 Comments