About Rap

What's up Daybreakers!

Fun Facts: Daybreak and The Open

  • Team: Daybreak’s team has 36 members registered for the Open after ONLY 4 months in operation
  • Age Range: The age range for our team is 17 to 56
  • CrossFit Tenure: We have members competing that have been CrossFitting for as long as 5 years and for as short as 2 weeks.
  • Super-Moms: Over 60% of our women’s team is a ‘super mom’. Including, a ‘very’ expecting mom who safely threw down in 14.1 and just missed contributing to the team score
  • Persistence: We had several members relentlessly battle for 10 minutes JUST to get a handful of double unders. We also had almost every member repeat the workout, because they were determined to do “better”

We couldn’t be […]


Daybreak CrossFit Partners with Skins

Hey Daybreakers… Great news! We are pleased to announce that DCF has partnered with Skins so that our members receive special discounts on Skins compression and recovery gear. Simply go to the Skins Website and use code IAMDAYBREAKCROSSFIT at checkout to receive 20% off plus free shipping on all Skins gear.

Just in time to wrap up those muscles for The Open! Skins has made their name in cycling and triathlon circles and have also branched out to CrossFit. Let us know how they work for you as we value your feedback on our partnerships.


Do It

Daigle, our good friend out at CrossFit HQ, couldn't say it any better in an article published today: "You can help your gym’s team. Even if your score isn’t competitive, you’re helping create that frenzied, exciting gym environment when everyone comes together to do the Open workouts." "It's not about winning, it's about playing..." So, go ahead and DO IT. Sign up for the Open.


Sunday Open Gym 2-4pm!
