WOD: Sun 05.16.2021 “Lost With Me”
"Lost With Me"
With a Partner
6 Rounds Each
16 Squats
8 Dumbbell Cleans
8 Dumbbell Lunges
6 Rounds Each
16 Sit Ups
8 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
8 Push Ups
"Lost With Me"
With a Partner
6 Rounds Each
16 Squats
8 Dumbbell Cleans
8 Dumbbell Lunges
6 Rounds Each
16 Sit Ups
8 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
8 Push Ups
"Love Line"
3 Rounds
10 Back Squats
20 Wall Balls
800 Meter Run
"One by One"
7 Rounds
7 Power Cleans
7 Box Jumps
10 Medball GHDs
"What's Up"
1. 15/12 Calorie Row
2. 9 Kettlebell Swings
3. 7 Strict Handstand Push Ups
20 Toes to Bar
40 Thrusters
100 Double Unders