WOD – Sat, Feb 1 “Someone Said”

“Someone Said” (Checkmark)

10 x on the 3 Minute
10 DB Floor Press
12 Goblet Squats
14 Cal Row

MCx: 50/35
MAx; 35/20, 12 cals
MVx: 25/15, 10 cals

GOALS + GUIDANCE: For today’s intervals, choose a weight for the db floor press that you can do unbroken every round. However, reps seven through ten slow down your cycle time. Use ONE dumbbell for the close stance goblet squats, and elevate your heels (toes stay on the floor.) This stance will target your quads, specifically by your knees. Then, with your jello-feeling-legs, row 14 calories (sub :60). Move deliberately, and quickly, so you have at least :30 of rest before […]


WOD – Fri, Jan 31 Deadlift + “Sun Needs to Rise”

Deadlift (GOALS + GUIDANCE: Work up to a 7/10 effort or 70% of your 1 rep max (if you have one.) The weight should feel like you could do another 2-3 reps. Maintain the same weight for the remaining sets. Record your weight.)

“Sun Needs to Rise” (Time)

27-21-15-9 Toes to Bar
81-63-45-27 Double Unders

MAx: knee or pike ups, 27-21-15-9 attempts
MVx: v-ups or leg lifts, 81-63-45-27 singles

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Strategically break up the toes to bar into small sets 3-9 reps, from the very start. This will save your grip and your hip flexors […]


WOD – Thu, Jan 30 “Broken Bicycle”

“Broken Bicycle” (Calories)

10 Rounds of
Bike for Cals
Rest 2 Min

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Get uncomfortable! The goal for today’s sprints is to keep your RPMs and calories consistent from round to round. You’ll have plenty of time to recover, don’t be afraid to push! Record your total calories with a goal of 90-150 cals.


Hero WOD – Wed, Jan 29 “Nate”

“Nate” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2 Muscle Ups
8 Handstand Push Ups
12 KB Swings

MCx: 70/53
MAx: 2 strict pull ups + 2 dips, push ups, 53/35
MVx: 4 ring rows + 4 dips, seated db press, 35/26

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Hero Workout! For the muscle ups (which were designed to be on the rings) choose a difficult upper-body-pulling movement as an alternative. If you choose handstand push ups, you must be able to do at least 4 in a row before kicking off the wall. Great alternatives are db presses and good old regular push ups! Keep the kettlebell swings unbroken as long as possible. […]


WOD – Tue, Jan 28 Push Press + “Duality”

Push Press (GOALS + GUIDANCE: Remember for the push press, after the initial dip drive, there is NO redip of your legs at the end. Record your weight. Ideally lift 5% (65%) more than last time.)

“Duality” (Checkmark)

1 – 1 Clean
2 – 15 Wall Balls

MCx; 225/155, 20/14
MAx: 155/105, 14/10
MVx: 115/75, 10 reps 10/6

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Minute one, do one clean (power or squat) that feels HEAVY! However, not so heavy that your form breaks down over the course of the workout. The clean should require an intention set up, deep breath, […]
