WOD – Thu, Jan 23 “Seek + Destroy”

“Seek + Destroy” (AMRAP – Rounds)

1 Deadlift
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder to Overhead

MCx: 205/145
MAx: 155/105
MVx; 95/65

GG: Treat this workout like an EMOM (maybe sneaking in a couple of extra rounds at the beginning) with the intention of completing 20-ish rounds. Choose a weight that feels heavy, without compromising your form (always!), but that doesn’t force you to rest between any of the movements (do all four unbroken.) Record your rounds and the weight.


WOD – Wed, Jan 22 “Never Gonna Happen”

“Never Gonna Happen” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

250/200 Meter Row or Run
1 Minute Plank

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Row or Run the 250/200’s in :60 or less. Then, hold a plank (elbows or hands, no side planks) for 1 minute to “recover.” Target 8-10 rounds


WOD – Tue, Jan 21 RDL + “Thx Linchpin 2.0”

Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (GOALS + GUIDANCE: Start in a standing position, unlock your knees, and send your hips back. The demand should be on your midline and hammies. Stop the bar at mid shin before it hits the floor, and stand by squeezing your butt toward the bar.)

“Thx Linchpin 2.0” (Time)

3 Rounds
15 DB Thrusters
12 Pull Ups
9 Cal Bike

MCx; 50/35
MAx: 35/20, 6 pull ups (band), 7 cals
MVx: 25/15, ring rows, 5 cals

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Break the dumbbell thrusters into 2-3 sets (10 and 5, or 6,5 and 4.) Spend no more than […]


WOD – Mon, Jan 20 “Samsara”

“Samsara” (Time)

L-Arm DB Hang Snatch
Box Jumps
R-Arm DB Hang Snatch
Box Jumps
Rest 1 Minute

MCx: 50/35, 24/20
MAx: 35/20, step 24″
MVx: 25/15, step 20″

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Complete 5 dumbbell hang snatches your left arm, then 5 box jumps. Repeat the 5 hang snatch but now with your right arm, and another 5 box jumps. Once you finish the second round of box jumps you’ll rest 1 minute before starting the round of ten reps. Repeat the same sequence for 10 reps, 15 reps, 20 and then 25 reps. Target 15-17 minutes. Record your total time (including the rest.)


WOD – Sun, Jan 19 “Yours to Lose”

“Yours to Lose” (Time)

50 Burpees
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Cal Bike or Row
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 DB Lunge
50 Burpees

MCx; 50/35
MAx: 35/20
MVx: 25/15

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Burpee buy-in and cash out! Complete the first set of burpees at a moderate pace, taking your foot off the pedal the last few reps so you’re ready to attack the bike/rower. Burpees will take 3-4 minutes. The calories should take 2-2:30 for the first two rounds, 2:00-:90 for the next two rounds, :90-:75 for the next two, and :30-:60 for the last four rounds. The dumbbell lunges are with TWO DUMBBELLS held in the SUITCASE position. Each lunge counts as a rep (right =1, […]
