Every weekend I have the pleasure of meeting 60 new CrossFitters from around the country. And every week at least one of them inspires me with their life changing CrossFit story. This past weekend I worked the CrossFit Level 1 Seminar at Reebok CrossFit 5th Ave in New York City and had the pleasure of coaching Karyn Marshall, the first woman to clean and jerk over 300 pounds.

Karyn’s story is beyond inspiring. Karyn was lifting heavy weights before it was cool for women to lift heavy weights. She was/is a pioneer for strong, fit women. She then found CrossFit and competed as a Master at the 2011 Reebok CrossFit World Games. A few weeks after the Games, she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer, had surgery and just days after  returned  to CrossFit. Talk about strength and determination.

Check out the video about Karyn and her journey with CrossFit