WOD: Thu 12.04.2015 “Shot Me Down” Mel2014-12-03T16:52:18-05:00Tags: double under, front rack walking lunge| Willis “Shot Me Down” 5 Rounds 15 Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps (95/65) 30 Double Unders Post Time to Comments. Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 36 Comments Rap Wed 12.03.2014 at 10:11pm Front rack lunges = say goodbye to your arse on Friday. Can’t wait. Dustin A Thu 12.04.2014 at 9:02am More like….. Heyyyyyyy Arse, where have you been all my life 😉 jason3366 Thu 12.04.2014 at 7:00am 5:48 rx. Willis Thu 12.04.2014 at 7:02am 7:12 rx Kathy C Thu 12.04.2014 at 8:00am 10:40 35#,(still taking care with my back), round 1, 15DUA, round 2+3,60 singles, round 4+5, 15DUA Kevin Clarke Thu 12.04.2014 at 8:01am 11:03, 65#, 60 singles SusanKD Thu 12.04.2014 at 8:34am “Shot Me Down” 9:50, 35#, DUA’s. Amanda W Thu 12.04.2014 at 9:56am “Shot me Down” 9:12 55# Legs were a little shaky this AM from yesterdays tennis match so did sets of 10 lunge steps. Stringing together 5-10 DUs. John.H Thu 12.04.2014 at 9:57am 9:40 the DU killed me lourdes Thu 12.04.2014 at 11:24am Shot me Down: 10:02 55# SU (attempted DU but got too frustrated) + 1600 pre-WOD run Michele Thu 12.04.2014 at 11:30am 6:05 (95#) Mel Thu 12.04.2014 at 11:58am CRUSHED it!! Lynette Thu 12.04.2014 at 11:35am 9:38 75# front squats & 15 ball slams per round Tony P Thu 12.04.2014 at 1:15pm 10:40 Rx – first time finishing all DUs in a WOD David S Thu 12.04.2014 at 1:20pm 10:42 Rx Bill Thu 12.04.2014 at 1:26pm 5:16 Rx Dustin A Thu 12.04.2014 at 2:54pm Boom! goes the dynamite! Nice work brother! jason3366 Thu 12.04.2014 at 7:12pm Dude, killed it. Scott Thu 12.04.2014 at 8:35pm Great work Bill! Jim B Thu 12.04.2014 at 2:16pm 7:16 Rx Bill was on another planet today, great job!! Michael Sanford Thu 12.04.2014 at 2:45pm 10:40 75# with 12 DUs! * More DUs than I ever don’t in my life! Finally getting it. And about 50 singles JayCash Thu 12.04.2014 at 3:44pm 6:42 Rx. Some ok DUs. Some…not so much. Lisa Thu 12.04.2014 at 4:47pm Shot Me Down – 9:46, 20#, single unders SamB Thu 12.04.2014 at 5:00pm 9:25 Rx those are some fast times yall! Rap Thu 12.04.2014 at 6:56pm 6:31 rx nfitz Thu 12.04.2014 at 7:38pm 7:56 65# and SU’s zdn Thu 12.04.2014 at 8:31pm 8:46 – 95# and 20# ball slams Scott Thu 12.04.2014 at 8:38pm Shot Me Down: 8:51 Rx. Need to confirm the time from the Board. Favorite WOD ever due to two rounds of 30 DU’s. Finally DU’s in a work out. Rap Thu 12.04.2014 at 9:14pm Whaaaat did you say?!? Dubs in a WOD??!?! AK Thu 12.04.2014 at 9:12pm Shoot Me Down 8:47 Rx Nicole Thu 12.04.2014 at 9:51pm Shoot Me Down- 7:42 RX Then I did a EMOM 10 High hang clean, hang clean than from the floor (add 5lb every min) got to 110# J Fri 12.05.2014 at 7:15am 5:00 Rx. I HATE DUBS. Russ Fri 12.05.2014 at 7:48am Shoot me down- 9:45 RX Erica Fri 12.05.2014 at 9:25am Shoot me down – 6:45 rx. All du unbroken, except for the very last one in the third round. GRRRRR Dustin A Fri 12.05.2014 at 10:00am 6:43 45#db lunges WOD: Tue 07.28.2015 “Shot Me Down” | Daybreak CrossFit | Wayland & Sudbury Mon 07.27.2015 at 9:21pm […] Compare Scores HERE […] Comments are closed.
Front rack lunges = say goodbye to your arse on Friday. Can’t wait.
More like….. Heyyyyyyy Arse, where have you been all my life 😉
5:48 rx.
7:12 rx
10:40 35#,(still taking care with my back), round 1, 15DUA, round 2+3,60 singles, round 4+5, 15DUA
11:03, 65#, 60 singles
“Shot Me Down” 9:50, 35#, DUA’s.
“Shot me Down” 9:12 55#
Legs were a little shaky this AM from yesterdays tennis match so did sets of 10 lunge steps. Stringing together 5-10 DUs.
9:40 the DU killed me
Shot me Down: 10:02 55# SU (attempted DU but got too frustrated) + 1600 pre-WOD run
6:05 (95#)
9:38 75# front squats & 15 ball slams per round
10:40 Rx – first time finishing all DUs in a WOD
10:42 Rx
5:16 Rx
Boom! goes the dynamite!
Nice work brother!
Dude, killed it.
Great work Bill!
7:16 Rx Bill was on another planet today, great job!!
10:40 75# with 12 DUs! * More DUs than I ever don’t in my life! Finally getting it. And about 50 singles
6:42 Rx. Some ok DUs. Some…not so much.
Shot Me Down – 9:46, 20#, single unders
9:25 Rx those are some fast times yall!
6:31 rx
7:56 65# and SU’s
8:46 – 95# and 20# ball slams
Shot Me Down: 8:51 Rx. Need to confirm the time from the Board. Favorite WOD ever due to two rounds of 30 DU’s. Finally DU’s in a work out.
Whaaaat did you say?!? Dubs in a WOD??!?!
Shoot Me Down 8:47 Rx
Shoot Me Down- 7:42 RX
Then I did a EMOM 10
High hang clean, hang clean than from the floor (add 5lb every min) got to 110#
5:00 Rx. I HATE DUBS.
Shoot me down- 9:45 RX
Shoot me down – 6:45 rx. All du unbroken, except for the very last one in the third round. GRRRRR
6:43 45#db lunges
[…] Compare Scores HERE […]